Sasa Kostadinovic,塞尔维亚尼什的开发者
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Sasa Kostadinovic

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Developer

Niš, Serbia
Toptal Member Since
November 18, 2019

Sasa is a versatile full-stack engineer and architect with over a decade of professional experience. He excels at developing scalable and complex solutions using various programming languages and platforms such as .. NET、Angular、Scala和Play. 他高度关注代码质量, testability, and simplicity, and he also tends toward functional programming and a practical way of thinking.


CodeRain Solutions
SQL, 函数式编程, Rx, Docker, Bootstrap, JavaScript, TypeScript...
.NET, C#, .. NET Core, Angular, TypeScript, JavaScript, SCSS, HTML, HTML5, REST...





Git, JetBrains, Visual Studio, Windows, MacOS, Best Practices, 面向对象编程(OOP), 软件设计模式

The most amazing...

...thing I've developed is a GDPR-compliant software solution that helps corporations in their GDPR regulation strategy.

Work Experience


2018 - PRESENT
CodeRain Solutions
  • Created various web and API-based business solutions using cutting-edge technologies. 涵盖了不同的行业,如机器人和自动化, agriculture, outsourcing, and many more.
  • Used C#, .Net Core, Scala, Play, Angular, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, RxJS, JWT, Bootstrap 4+, Flask, 还有很多其他的技术.
  • 与所有客户建立了牢固的信任关系. 忠诚和透明永远是最重要的.
  • Worked effectively on the deployment 过程自动化 using shell scripts and Docker.
  • Contributed continuously to security and privacy improvements such as secure data transfer, 防止敏感数据暴露, password hashing, OAuth, 防止XSS和CSRF/XSRF攻击, and others.
  • 参与小型和大型团队,遵循所有敏捷原则.
Technologies: SQL, 函数式编程, Rx, Docker, Bootstrap, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, Python, Angular, Play, Scala, C#, Full-stack, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, C#.NET, Best Practices, 面向对象编程(OOP), 软件设计模式, CSS


2020 - 2021
  • Contributed to the full-stack development in all areas of the web application, 比如后端是c#,前端是Angular.
  • 参与技术讨论和决策.
  • Worked with stored procedures and query optimization on MSSQL database with tables containing millions of rows.
  • 参与产品发布,领导其中一些产品发布.
  • Implemented Sign in with Apple features and took part in its implementation with Google.
  • 提供像素完美和响应式设计. 通过使用材料设计和SCSS,掌握了CSS样式.
  • 在各项报告实施中担任重要角色, such as HTML, PDF, and CSV, 使用不同的技术,比如Chart.js、iTextSharp和Browserless.
  • Involved in Azure DevOps tasks related to CI/CD pipelines and various configurations.
Technologies: .NET, C#, .. NET Core, Angular, TypeScript, JavaScript, SCSS, HTML, HTML5, REST, REST APIs, Material Design, Angular Material, Pixel Perfect, CSV, Reports, Reporting, Microsoft SQL Server, SQL存储过程, Stored Procedure, JSON Web令牌(JWT), GitHub, Slack, Azure DevOps, 单点登录(SSO), Chart.js, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, C#.NET, SQL, CSS


2013 - 2018
  • Contributed to the improvement and feature implementation of various desktop products from the Ikena family. 这些产品主要与先进的图像处理有关, 实时视频增强, computer vision, and GIS.
  • Built the external REST API and microservices ecosystem used for image enhancements and video/audio redaction.
  • 帮助整合图像识别, object detection, 并将功能跟踪到特定产品中. 与机器学习和核心c++团队合作.
  • 参与GIS模块的实现. 创建模块的UI和中间件逻辑. The module was used to map real-time video location points to a 3D globe.
  • 管理计算机网络. 使用最新的安全补丁升级公司设备. 保护和安全的外部网络访问. 物理保护设备和端口.
  • Used C#, Python, Flask, SQL, Docker, 还有很多其他的技术.
Technologies: 微服务架构、SQL、Windows演示基础(WPF), Windows窗体(WinForms), Docker, TypeScript, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, JSON Web令牌(JWT), Flask, Python, C#, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, C#.NET, Best Practices, 面向对象编程(OOP), 软件设计模式

Software Engineer

2011 - 2013
  • Applied different solutions related to the consumption of electric energy, reporting tools, 以及企业资源计划(ERP)系统.
  • Created a fast software reporting tool using HDF5 storage format and Python libraries. The output of the reporting tool was a detailed chart report as a result of processing a large, time-based data set.
  • Built a desktop application used for communicating with a smart electric meter that supports reading and writing operations. 使用DLMS/COSEM协议.
  • 实现了涵盖会计的各种Odoo(以前的OpenERP)模块, eCommerce, inventory, 过程自动化.
  • 致力于实现一个web应用程序,控制, monitors, 并从智能仪表设备上收集读数. 除了标准读数,比如耗电量, 该应用程序本应检测异常并适当提醒用户.
  • Used C#, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, 还有很多其他的技术.
Technologies: NumPy, Matplotlib, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Windows窗体(WinForms), Odoo, Python, C#, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, C#.NET, SQL


Online fitness software allows teachers and coaches to deliver physical education and athletic development programs built by industry professionals. 学生得到详细信息, step-by-step instruction right on their mobile devices and web platforms, while teachers and coaches can track engagement and progress through any metrics they choose.

The solution consists of various components and supports hundreds of thousands of users. As a full-stack engineer, I primarily worked on all parts of the web application. This involved work on the front end using Angular and the back end using .NET and .. NET核心技术与广泛的SQL数据库. 除了实现的许多功能之外, 其中最重要的包括单点登录的实现, 支持不同类型的报告, 和像素完美的设计.

Technologies: .NET, .NET Core, C#, Angular, JavaScript, TypeScript, Microsoft SQL Server, Material Design, Chart.js, CSS, HTML, JSON Web令牌(JWT), GitHub, CSV and PDF export, iTextSharp, browserless, Azure DevOps, 和单点登录(SSO).

GDPR Management Tool


The software answers the EU General Data Protection Regulation and takes care of all aspects of data protection and privacy inside a large company. It helps a corporation handle data subject requests and quickly respond in multiple languages.

FertiCalc Software

A web-based software solution used to get the best results from cultivated crops.

The software is supposed to calculate the necessary formulations and the amount of fertilizer to give farmers the ultimate yield of cultivated crops. In addition, the solution should improve the daily routines and tasks of the company's agronomists.

使用的技术:Angular, Python, Flask, PostgreSQL, Docker, Bootstrap, TypeScript, CSS, JavaScript, and REST API.


A software solution used for executing commands triggered by a motion control device using hand gestures. As a result, each command interacts with the existing user interface in some way.

The idea was to improve the efficiency of the day-to-day tasks of a large company with a motion control device and hand gestures in front of the big screen.

使用的技术:c#; .. NET, Nginx, JavaScript, JQuery, CSS, HTML, Bootstrap和REST API.

Sales Results Portal

销售经理用来跟踪销售结果的门户网站. 该应用程序将当前的成就和目标可视化. It provides tons of features such as exporting results, emailing, handling campaigns, etc.

Technologies used : .. NET, c#, SQL, JQuery, Bootstrap, JavaScript, CSS, HTML.


I worked on various tasks for a lean startup company with a unique product designed to build tools and provide education and resources to the sports betting community.
简而言之,该项目汇总了体育数据. 数据稍后通过平台集成工具使用, 是什么让体育博彩爱好者在市场中找到价值. 这一切都是基于专有的数据科学模型.
2006 - 2012










Cisco CCNA



Windows窗体(WinForms), Reactive Extensions, jQuery, Slick, RxJS, REST APIs, LINQ, React, Scala.. js, Matplotlib, NumPy, D3.. js、SQLAlchemy、Chart.js, Leaflet


JetBrains, Visual Studio, Git, Odoo, GitHub, Slack


ASP.NET Core, Angular, .NET Core, .NET, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, Bootstrap, Angular Material, Rx, Flask, Play, JSON Web令牌(JWT), Razor, Redux, Next.js, Lagom, Akka, Windows演示基础(WPF), Play Framework


c#, TypeScript, HTML5, c#.NET, Scala, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, CSS4, Sass, Go, SCSS, Stored Procedure


Best Practices, 面向对象编程(OOP), Scrum, Agile, 函数式编程, 测试驱动开发(TDD), Automation, DevOps, Reactive Programming, Microservices架构, Azure DevOps, REST


软件设计模式, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Docker, MacOS, Linux, Windows, AWS Lambda, Amazon EC2, Microsoft, Apache Kafka, Azure


Relational Databases, SQL存储过程, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, JSON, MySQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Cassandra, Databases

Industry Expertise



Full-stack, APIs, Back-end, Front-end, 前端开发, Material Design, Web Scraping, Lambda Functions, 解决方案架构, Cloud Security, Serverless, Architecture, Robotics, App UI, Charts, Data Visualization, CSV, PDF, 单点登录(SSO), Reports, Reporting, Pixel Perfect, Microsoft Azure, AWS管理控制台, High-load



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