Michele Silletti, Developer in 罗马,意大利首都罗马的大都会
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Michele Silletti

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Cloud Architect and Developer

Toptal Member Since
March 23, 2015

Michele是网络和移动项目的产品负责人, a certified scrum master, and a cloud software engineer. Since 2002 he has worked for small and big private companies and government agencies as a freelancer, employee, or owner. He was a delivery manager for multiple teams and a technical product manager in retail, payments, and digital identity. Michele is able to design scalable architectures and manage the implementation while easily communicating plans and advancements at C-level.


亚马逊网络服务(AWS), NGINX, Android, iOS, PHP, CI/CD管道
Business Remedy LLC
Twilio, Vtiger
Hotel Effectiveness Solutions
亚马逊网络服务(AWS),关系数据库服务(RDS), MySQL




Preferred Environment

CI/CD Pipelines, PHP, Python, JavaScript, AWS Amplify, Software Architecture, Agile, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Cloud Platforms, Databases

The most amazing...

...I've achieved is a 400% productivity boost by introducing Agile and DevOps to 20 developers, 在短短30天内从两个月发布到三个月发布.

Work Experience


2013 - 2018
  • 对移动界面进行可用性测试.
  • 为应用中使用的条形码技术申请了专利.
  • 协调四个不同Android/iOS应用的开发.
  • 为移动支付设计了一个高度可扩展的安全REST API.
  • 在代码和系统级别管理可伸缩性问题.
Technologies: 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), NGINX, Android, iOS, PHP, CI/CD管道

Twilio/Vtiger Developer

2015 - 2016
Business Remedy LLC
  • 集成Vtiger电话和短信在Vtiger社区版.
  • Added the ability to send and receive calls through Twilio to Vtiger users (shared or exclusive phone number).
  • Added the ability to send and receive SMS through Twilio to Vtiger users (shared or exclusive phone number).
  • Enhanced functionality to process an Excel file of contacts and send a "mail merge" based on predefined messages and Excel columns.
  • Packaged all modules and provided detailed instructions for repeatable setup.
Technologies: Twilio, Vtiger

MySQL RDS Database Migrator

2015 - 2016
Hotel Effectiveness Solutions
  • 为大型数据库迁移创建了一个自动化脚本.
  • 在生产中使用RDS副本管理低至零停机时间.
  • 解决了MySQL迁移过程中RDS的时区问题.
  • 自动迁移几个GB的大型数据库.
  • Managed automated complex migration of hundreds of stored procedures from version 5.1 to 5.5.
Technologies: 亚马逊网络服务(AWS),关系数据库服务(RDS), MySQL

DevOps Engineer

2013 - 2014
  • Designed and implemented a rock-solid production infrastructure to serve the REST API with millions of requests per day.
  • Handled development, testing, and production environments with automated deployment scripts.
  • Carried out a feasibility study of efficient content delivery network (CDN) usage for the REST API.
  • 创建基于虚拟机映像的备份策略.
  • 实现了灾难恢复过程和脚本.
技术:PHP, Amazon Web Services (AWS)

DevOps Engineer

2013 - 2013
Ferrari (through Spindox)
  • 从经典托管迁移到多区域云环境.
  • Scaled infrastructure up to 3Mpv/month, enabling reaction to traffic peaks in less than 5 minutes (e.g.例如,在F1赛事期间,如果发生事故,交通流量会增加10倍或40倍)。.
  • Implemented load tests using beeswithmachineguns to assess the sustained load of the app.
  • 向最高管理层报告结果并评估所获得的节省.
  • Implemented financial analysis on cost savings (>80%) and further improvements.
Technologies: Beanstalk, Amazon Route 53, Amazon CloudFront CDN, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Autoscaling, Amazon EC2, Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Software Architect, DevOps

2012 - 2013
Qurami - now U-First
  • Designed, implemented, improved, and maintained server architecture based on Silex to deliver a robust REST API for agents and clients.
  • Handled remote Java agent design, implementation, and deployment on client premises.
  • Implemented a feasibility study for communication between agents, the central server, and clients.
  • Designed and implemented a message queuing system using jabber/XMPP and then using Amazon SQS.
  • 通过自定义脚本部署和维护自动化.


This site features cloud infrastructure design for all web properties of the group. The project's scope was migrating from classic hosting to a multi-zone cloud environment. 这个新环境必须具有弹性, able to manage 3Mpv/month, 并且能够在5米(e)内对交通高峰做出反应.g., during F1 events, traffic increases 10 times, and in case of an accident 40 times).

We chose AWS and redesigned apps to take advantage of all AWS components like computational instances, dedicated databases, load balancers, Memcached servers, CDN, and PHP optimizations. Load tests demonstrated good results, with >80% savings on starting costs. Nowadays, the infrastructure is composed of several Amazon EC2 instances and several RDS instances in multi-zone + multi-read replicas. 我们将实例总数增加到200. 该基础设施还利用了Amazon S3和CloudFront.

Qurami (now ufirst)

Android平台多平台移动应用开发成功, iOS, Windows, BlackBerry, and Symbian devices, 为用户提供无缝体验,节省排队时间. 您可以在选定的大学使用Qurami, hospitals, or public offices to get a virtual queue ticket and monitor the queue directly from your smartphone.

Server architecture is based on Silex and communicates with remote Java agents through the XMPP protocol. 服务器提供与移动设备交互的API. We implemented a robust solution on the AWS stack to handle a large number of remote agents (potentially thousands), ensuring scalability, stability, and privacy. Also, we addressed critical management points to support distributed operations across various locations in Italy for Qurami.


这家初创公司从2010年成立到上市,都是我一手促成的, firstly as the CEO and CTO and later delegating the CEO role in order to focus on tech matters. During that time, 我对界面进行了可用性测试, 为应用中使用的技术申请了专利, 并与欧洲主要信用卡处理商达成协议. 该团队研究了市场策略, managed the business budget, 并向许多节目展示了这个想法, contests, investors, etc. As CTO, I coordinated the development of four different apps descending from the various product evolutions. 我们面向Android、iOS和网页开发游戏.


Punctis是一款社交网络应用. Its main purpose is to collect user actions on several websites and assign prizes for those actions. 我来这里是为了创建一个生产基础设施来服务大客户, 比如新闻网站和大品牌.

我设计了他们的基础设施, handling development, testing, 以及具有自动迁移和可伸缩性的生产环境. 这一切都是使用EC2和RDS在AWS上实现的. Since the main load is not the website but the REST API, we decided not to use CloudFront.


Beatpick是一个使用Symphony2开发的web应用程序, 使用Adobe的媒体服务器和媒体播放器. My work consists of three main tasks: changing the app to manage Japanese market differences, 保持原始应用程序的运行, 以及管理到不同版本的自动迁移.

I replaced all proprietary technology from Amazon with open source products (provided and configured by other team members), 确保平台不发生中断. 我还使用EC2将整个应用程序和媒体库迁移到AWS, RDS, S3, 和CloudFront(包括压力测试和故障恢复自动化).


我为电视节目做过几个不同的项目, 包括目前在线使用的付款表格. 我使用Drupal(集成PayPal API)处理用户体验和CMS开发. Some other modules to track referrals and enable external inclusion of the form are also used. 电子卡模块是基于99design上的一个众包竞赛. The registration form is for a national initiative in multiple locations called Walk of Life. The project was simple, but the timeframe was very short; I had five days in total and managed it while working with an offshore development team.


音乐会和活动的票务市场. It's a Symfony 1.4 project that features many external APIs for shipping (UPS), payments (PayPal), and SMS (PROmemo). 它以It - enes -ru的多语言门户为特色. The project is long-term and employs developers from many countries with a very short turnover. 最重要的管理问题是知识转移. 最近我负责基础设施的更新, 将应用从Ubuntu 8迁移到Ubuntu 14, automating deployment, 以及将版本从SVN迁移到Git. 服务器基础设施部分在阿姆斯特丹,部分在巴塞罗那. 它非常小,因为它是由一个web服务器和一个数据库组成的.
1998 - 2008



2003 - 2003





Amazon Web Services

2011年9月- 2025年9月

Certified Scrum Master

Scrum Alliance


Stripe, PayPal API, Twilio API, Facebook API, AWS Amplify, Amazon API, Node.js, UPS API


Amazon ElastiCache, Amazon CloudFront CDN, Mailchimp, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Postfix, Amazon Simple Email Service (SES), Mantis, Apache, AWS IAM, Beanstalk, UltraEdit, Git, Jira, NGINX, Vagrant, Jenkins, Amazon弹性容器服务(Amazon ECS), GitHub, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)


PHP, HTML5, JavaScript, Java, CSS, Python


Symfony, Silex, Slim


Amazon S3 (AWS S3)、MySQL、Google Cloud、Amazon DynamoDB、数据库


DevOps, REST, Scrum, UX设计,CMMI,敏捷


Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon EC2, Linux, AWS Lambda, iOS, Android, LAMP, LEMP, Vtiger, Twilio, Azure, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Kubernetes, Apache2, Google Cloud Platform (GCP)


Software Architecture, Payment Gateways, Amazon RDS, Back-end, Software Engineering, APIs, System Administration, 站点可靠性工程(SRE), Autoscaling, Amazon Route 53, 关系数据库服务(RDS), CI/CD Pipelines, Amazon API Gateway, Cloud Platforms, PayPal, Web Scalability

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