Chris Sellek, Developer in Raleigh, NC, United States
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Chris Sellek

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) Developer

Raleigh, NC, United States
Toptal Member Since
February 28, 2022

Chris已经在软件工程行业工作了十多年. He started as a QA and transitioned into web engineering. 他擅长使用React、TypeScript和Next进行前端开发.js. He has deployed new apps, created new processes and CI/CD pipelines, mentored junior developers, 扩展了使用TensorFlow来训练模型的机器学习项目, and restructured automation test suites. Chris loves solving problems with code.


TypeScript, Next.. js, Jest, React测试库,Cypress, TensorFlow, React...
Contract work
React, TypeScript, Material UI, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Redux, Express.js...
Dude Solutions
AngularJS, Karma, Node.js, CSS, HTML, MongoDB, Front-end Development...




Preferred Environment

React, TypeScript, Next.js

The most amazing...

...project I've taken on was rewriting an internal, 用TypeScript从香草JS到Babel的后端应用.

Work Experience

Staff Software Engineer

2018 - PRESENT
  • 加入了一个新团队,并很快注意到该团队正在编写应该是单元测试的端到端测试. 帮助重构自动化测试套件,使其更多地依赖于单元测试,而不是更脆弱和不稳定的端到端测试.
  • 为整个开发团队开发了几个模式和/或辅助功能,以使他们的工作更快、更轻松.
  • 调试了几个产品问题,其中一个是阻塞了一个大的推送. Solved this particular bug in time for a big push.
  • 确保在整个应用程序中遵循最佳实践.
  • 为一家大型分时度假公司的网站管理CI/CD管道.
  • 协助为一家大型分时度假公司创建新流程,让他们的客户可以注册度假和住宿,而以前只有通过电话才能实现.
  • Mentored younger developers. 帮助一个人从被列入绩效计划,让他们回到正轨. 教授另一个基于组件的框架,因为他们之前只有jQuery的经验.
  • Rewrote an internal server app from the ground up. Initially written in JavaScript and Babel, 我弄清楚了类型,然后把它转换成TypeScript Express.js server. 重做了整个CI/CD管道,以正确部署新应用程序.
  • 扩展了一些机器学习专业开发项目,使用TensorFlow来训练各种模型.
  • 为专业开发项目从零开始开发和部署了几个web应用程序, including one that implemented a homegrown, 使用护照和快递的安全注册/登录过程.js.
Technologies: TypeScript, Next.. js, Jest, React测试库,Cypress, TensorFlow, React, Continuous Deployment, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Node.js, CSS, HTML, MongoDB, Front-end Development, Front-end Architecture, Front-end Build Tools, Full-stack Development, Web, Axios, Fetch API, Accessibility, Lodash, Storybook, Enzyme, TeamCity, REST, Full-stack

Web Developer

2019 - 2019
Contract work
  • 与一位财务顾问合作,为他们开发了一个网络应用程序,帮助他们开展业务.
  • Spun up a front-end with React, TypeScript, and Redux. Deployed it via GCP's App Engine.
  • Spun up an Express.js API with TypeScript. Deployed it via GCP's App Engine.
  • GCP's Datastore was used as the API's NoSQL solution.
技术:React, TypeScript, Material UI, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Redux, Express.js, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), CSS, HTML, Front-end Development, Front-end Architecture, Front-end Build Tools, Full-stack Development, Web, Axios, Fetch API, Lodash, Azure DevOps, REST, Full-stack

Web Developer

2016 - 2017
Dude Solutions
  • 与我的团队和我们的PO一起在AngularJS框架上使用JavaScript设计并实现了几个网站组件的结构. Karma was used for unit tests.
  • 与团队中的QA工程师一起为每个故事构建UI/E2E测试.
  • Helped train several developers. 大多数是初级开发人员,但有一个是以前从未使用过AngularJS的高级开发人员.
  • 通过参加前端分会会议和帮助充实前端分会的待办事项,关注整个技术小组(其他6个团队).
  • 当其他小队的人在群聊中发帖寻求帮助时,帮助他们. 通过审查其他人的代码并在必要时提出评论或建议,为代码质量做出贡献.
  • 积极参与招聘工作和面试过程,并对其充满热情. Ran technical interviews with other developers, attended a career fair, and evaluated interviewees' code.
Technologies: AngularJS, Karma, Node.js, CSS, HTML, MongoDB, Front-end Development, Front-end Architecture, Front-end Build Tools, Web, Axios, Fetch API, Lodash, REST

Web Developer

2015 - 2016
  • Worked with Ruby on Rails, Foundation, jQuery, 在ReverbNation提供的一些web服务上使用Angular.
  • 帮助在AngularJS(来自jQuery)中用一个新的、响应式的UI重写了我们的艺术家配置文件.
  • 以个人的身份买票,帮助我们完成两周的冲刺.
Technologies: AngularJS, Ruby on Rails (RoR), jQuery, Foundation CSS, CSS, HTML, Front-end Development, Front-end Architecture, Web, Axios, Fetch API, Ruby, Ruby on Rails 4

Manual QA

2012 - 2015
  • Performed manual web testing in a weekly scrum environment, with some automation thrown in using Ruby and Selenium.
  • 测试音乐家页面,一个全新的帐户类型的混响.com for their release.
  • 致力于更新一个流程,通过该流程,ReverbNation用户可以向app Store添加个性化的移动应用程序, 其中包括使用Ruby和Watir完全自动化苹果iTunes Connect网站的一些工作.
Technologies: Manual QA, UI Automation, Ruby

Personal Website
This is a Next.js site for my personal brand. I used Next.js, TypeScript, SCSS modules, and React to create it. I gathered inspiration for the look from Dribble. This one's more of a brochure site, so nothing fancy.

Lightweight npm Package
这个轻量级的npm包提供了一种快速简便的方法,可以在JavaScript和TypeScript中创建对fixture对象的新引用. 它是一个零依赖的npm包,在我目前公司的几个项目中用于单元测试.


一个零依赖的npm包,用于在TypeScript和JavaScript中存储和迭代哈希表中的数据. 在TypeScript和JavaScript中处理大量数据会变得很笨拙. 你有两种选择:将数据存储在数组中或将数据存储在POJO中(Plain Ol' JavaScript Object或typescript中的记录). This is where mable comes in. Mable smashes together the best of both worlds. Your data is stored in an object, 这意味着您可以通过id或键快速轻松地管理数据. MableObject类的实例带有内置的循环帮助程序, just like JavaScript's native Array object. 您的代码保持干净和可读,而不需要非此即彼带来的缺点. Think of mable as a kind of new data structure.
2006 - 2010

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science



React, jQuery, Node.js, Lodash, React Testing Library, TensorFlow


NPM, Karma, Front-end Build Tools, TeamCity


Next.js, Jest, AngularJS, Express.js、Material UI、Angular、Ruby on Rails (RoR)、Redux、Ruby on Rails 4、Cypress、Foundation CSS


TypeScript, JavaScript, SCSS, CSS, HTML, Ruby


Continuous Deployment, Modular CSS, Azure DevOps, REST


Web, Google Cloud Platform (GCP)




Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Computer Science, Data Structures, Manual QA, UI Automation, Front-end Development, Front-end Architecture, Full-stack Development, Axios, Fetch API, Storybook, Enzyme, Full-stack, WebSockets, Accessibility

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