Arpit Agrawal, Developer in Gurugram, Haryana, India
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Arpit Agrawal

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack React Developer

Gurugram, Haryana, India
Toptal Member Since
February 8, 2019

Arpit是一个面向产品的全栈web开发者,主要使用Angular和React Native. His expertise lies in building MVPs for startups and mid-sized companies, scalable microservices, serverless infrastructure, web crawlers, notification apps, REST/Socket APIs, infrastructure modeling, complex algorithms, AWS, and deployments. Arpit可以单枪匹马地完成项目,是将想法转化为原型的完美人选.


Complion, Inc.
JavaScript, Python, Node.js, React, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX)...
Amazon EC2, Continuous Integration (CI), Docker, Amazon Web Services (AWS)...
Cryptocurrency Trading Firm
Java, Android, Apollo, GraphQL, WebSockets, Firebase, Less, SCSS, Bootstrap...




Preferred Environment

Amazon Web Services (AWS), Xcode, WebStorm, Sketch, Git, IntelliJ IDEA, MacOS

The most amazing...

...thing I've built is a P2P-encrypted chat system (Node.通过Kafka、Redis和WebSockets,它可以扩展到100万RPM.

Work Experience

React Developer

2020 - 2022
Complion, Inc.
  • Created strategies, 记录并有计划地将整个项目的600多个受影响的文件从React 15迁移到React 17.
  • Followed all the important methodologies while doing the upgrade, including dependency upgradation, dependency replacement, handling breaking changes, and following testing strategies to deliver a bug-free production upgradation.
  • 在遵循DRY原则和创建通用模块及其单元和功能测试方面承担主要责任, 这大大减少了代码大小,并导致了开发节奏的加快和产品中的bug减少.
  • Identified and fixed major issues with the API call methodologies, which led to inconsistent data on the back end, resulting in reduced workload on CX teams.
  • 与UI/UX团队合作,通过分析客户端的困难,提高用户适应性,开发更好的用户驱动UI.
Technologies: JavaScript, Python, Node.js, React, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Front-end

Senior React and React Native Developer

2017 - 2019
  • 带头从头开始开发一个全面的React Native应用程序, working alongside a dedicated team of three members.
  • Worked on an app that was built for a trucking company and for sales personnel, enabling them to effectively showcase the company's diverse fleet of trucks. The app was built to be user-friendly and simple to use.
  • Implemented robust offline support for videos, 结合先进的压缩技术和支持各种图像格式,以确保无缝的用户体验, even in low-connectivity environments.
  • Designed and built an efficient admin portal, 授权员工控制用户访问和管理应用程序的各个方面, including the upload of multimedia assets such as videos and images, as well as seamless inventory management.
  • Devised a user role management system within the app, allowing administrators to assign specific access privileges, 确保只有经过授权的个人才能登录并使用应用程序的展示功能.
  • Set up the CI/CD pipeline using Fastlane and CircleCI.
  • Finished the app in phases and later handed over the control to the client. Gave knowledge transfer for the smooth functioning of the app.
Technologies: Amazon EC2, Continuous Integration (CI), Docker, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Apache Kafka, React Native, React, Redux

Senior Full-stack Engineer

2017 - 2018
Cryptocurrency Trading Firm
  • Built the responsive cryptocurrency trading website in AngularJS and TypeScript.
  • Developed a real-time trading graph using D3.js which has tickers for seven days, one day, one hour, and instant; built it all from scratch.
  • 最初安装了一个Firebase实时数据库,然后转向成熟的WebSockets,用于价格变化和订单完成的实时通信.
  • Led a team of three to work on version 2 of the web app and changed the app according to a different UI design; also, incorporated GraphQL queries using Apollo.
  • 用Java构建了一个成熟的Android应用程序,用于与WebSocket集成的实时交易. From then on, the app remained in the 99% "crash-free users" state.
  • Integrated analytics, push notifications, and various other libraries to understand user behavior and iterated on it.
技术:Java, Android, Apollo, GraphQL, WebSockets, Firebase, Less, SCSS, Bootstrap, Chart.js, D3.js, AngularJS

Consultant | Coach | Trainer

2016 - 2018
HuntingCube Consulting
  • Trained developers in React, JavaScript, and front-end work.
  • Architected React and Angular projects.
  • Developed scalable Node.js back-ends with Redis/MongoDB for persistence.
  • Optimized data structures for MongoDB storage by creating, optimizing queries, indexing strategies, and aggregations and using MapReduce and similar technologies.
  • 创建了一个带有服务工作者的React PWA,为客户提供了出色的离线体验.
  • Built full-stack dashboards for a power user and administrative functionality.
  • Ran Google Cloud Platform, AWS, or Azure projects.
  • Administered Linux servers (DigitalOcean).
Technologies: Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Redis, MongoDB, Angular, Node.js, Web, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), PWA, React

Lead Developer

2015 - 2016
  • Built the REST APIs for the mobile video app; they were scalable, stateless, and built mostly with JavaScript and Node.js on the AWS stack.
  • Designed and implemented DevOps procedures for AWS infrastructure (EB, Lambda, S3, CloudFormation, SQS, and more).
  • Integrated the project infrastructure with third-party services: email (Mailgun), Slack (messaging/alerts), Zendesk (support), Twilio (SMS/authorization), Facebook (authorization), and more.
  • Developed a responsive Angular-based media-heavy website.
  • Built the back-office, power-user, and admin dashboards.
Technologies: Angular, Node.js, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), AWS CloudFormation, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), AWS Lambda, Amazon EBS, Mailgun

Full-stack Developer

2013 - 2015
Cost Xpert
  • 使用Redis和PostgreSQL构建了一个高度可扩展的后端,用于用户购物车的CRUD操作, wishlist, favorites, recent orders, probable orders, and frequent orders.
  • 是否深入参与了商品平台订单引擎和卖家面板的开发.
  • 设计了一个微服务,将统一的卖家API集成到卖家面板中,方便卖家使用一个面板在多个电子商务网站上管理他们的目录.
  • Built a super optimized AngularJS web app with very nice animations.
  • 承担了产品的端到端所有权,并开始构建模型, then the MVP, and then the final product.
  • Led a team of three to build the website.
  • Converted the Node.js back-end code into TypeScript.
  • 编写编码指南,并使每个人都同意遵循指南,并将代码审查标准纳入项目.
技术:REST, PostgreSQL, Redis,微服务,Code Review, TypeScript, Node.js, Angular

Full-stack Engineer

2012 - 2013
Zunoku Softwares
  • 使用REST约定在MySQL和api中从零开始构建Java Spring后端.
  • Developed the website using jQuery and Bootstrap; optimized the website to load under one second.
  • 为订单状态更新(针对卖家和客户)创建了一个全功能的电子邮件通知器,并嵌入了快速操作的动态链接.
  • 建立了优惠券服务,其中包括按需优惠券,基于时间和基于限制的优惠券. Also, built an intelligent processor to avoid any misuse of the coupons.
  • Expanded the user module vertical by introducing features like account merging.
  • Constructed a credit card fake detector module which just based on IP and credit card details; used to detect with more than 90% accuracy.
技术:Bootstrap, SCSS, jQuery, HTML, Jakarta EE, REST api, MySQL, Spring, Java

Recruitment Agency Software in React

Here, 我建立了一个招聘机构的软件,其中包括一个登陆页面和管理面板,支持多个用户角色. 这是一个基于人工智能的平台,可以解析简历,并根据多个参数对候选人进行分类.

I also built a bulk email sender module in Node.js to notify the candidate and the companies in bulk.

Chrome Extension for Posting Content on Instagram and Facebook

在这个项目中,我为Facebook和Instagram页面创建了一个Chrome插件. If the user right clicks on the image, in the context menu, 该插件可以添加一个选项,将该图像分配到Facebook或Instagram页面并附带文本.

I wrote it in a way such that multiple users can also work on the same page. 该插件是可配置的,默认情况下,每隔一小时向Facebook发布一次帖子.

Speed Dating App

On this project, I built a dating app that brought speed dating to the internet. 我用Python和Django构建后端,整个应用程序是用Java为Android完成的. Also, I integrated libraries for video chatting and text messaging like TokBox.

Admin Portal in Vue.js

Here, I built a client sales app management portal using Vue.js.

• Add, delete, and update user information.
• Edit the React Native app via the admin portal itself. Since the app is intensely data-driven and the data updates on a regular basis, 我构建了一个功能,通过该功能,应用程序中的任何数据/UI更新都可以通过门户本身执行.
• Drag-n-drop users to manage the user hierarchy. 我建立了一个交互界面,管理员可以根据需要安排用户层次结构,应用程序将从那时起开始响应层次结构.
2009 - 2011

Master's Degree in Computer Engineering

IIT Bombay - Mumbai, India


React Redux, Immutable.js, REST APIs, React, Redux-Saga, jQuery, Node.js, Chart.js, React Native for Web, D3.js, Stripe


JSX、Git、WebStorm、IntelliJ IDEA、Android Studio、Microsoft Visual Studio、, Google Analytics, Apache Maven, Apple Push Notifications, Sketch, Amazon EBS, AWS CloudFormation, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Xcode


Next.js, AngularJS, Redux, Django, React Native, Express.js, Ruby on Rails 5, Flask, Hapi.js, NestJS, Play, Spring, Bootstrap, Angular


ECMAScript (ES6), Python, TypeScript, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, Python 3, Java, GraphQL, Objective-C, Swift, HTML, Less


REST, Concurrent Programming, Agile, Microservices, Continuous Integration (CI)


Firebase, Android, iOS 12, Linux, Apache Kafka, Docker, Kubernetes, WordPress, Mailgun, AWS Lambda, MacOS, Jakarta EE, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Web, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Azure, Amazon EC2


Redis, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), MongoDB


ES6 Promises, Single-page Applications (SPA), Progressive Web Applications (PWA), TypeORM, APIs, Async.js, React Native Bridge, WebSockets, Front-end, Back-end, Full-stack, Design, Push Notifications, Serverless, Code Review, PWA, Apollo, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX)

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