Alexandra Urushadze, Developer in Tbilisi, Georgia
Alexandra is available for hire
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Alexandra Urushadze

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Front-end Developer

Tbilisi, Georgia
Toptal Member Since
February 16, 2022

Alexandra是一名软件工程师,拥有数学和计算机科学学士学位. She has working experience as a front-end, back-end, and full-stack developer, JavaScript是主要的编程语言. 目前,Alexandra主要专注于Python和Node.js. for the back end and Vue for the front end.


Toptal Client
JavaScript, Vue,前端,Vue路由器,Vuetify, Vuex...
Toptal Client
HTML, CSS,前端,Vue,仪表板,数据可视化,CSS3动画...
Callahan Learning Center
JavaScript, Vue, Vue 2, API集成,Storybook, Webpack...




Preferred Environment

Linux, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Docker, MacOS

The most amazing...

...我所研究的模块是一个用于逆向工程工具的自定义加密层, 这需要密码学和低级编程的深入知识.

Work Experience

Senior Front-end Engineer

2023 - PRESENT
Toptal Client
  • 与跨职能团队合作,为全球领域相关专业人员增强人工智能辅助平台.
  • 开发和维护优先考虑前端可用性的特性, reliability, scalability, and security.
  • Utilized Vue and its ecosystem along with CSS, Webpack, UI libraries, 和各种Web api来提供尖端的前端解决方案.
Technologies: JavaScript, Vue,前端,Vue路由器,Vuetify, Vuex, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), Testing

Interactive Dashboard Developer (Vue/Front-end)

2023 - 2023
Toptal Client
  • 为食品工业会议从零开始开发了一个交互式仪表板, 利用数据可视化技术提高用户参与度和信息理解能力.
  • 在仪表板上创建了一个头像指南来帮助用户.
  • 通过直观的设计和引人入胜的动画增强了用户体验, 确保用户的无缝交互和有效的信息传播.
Technologies: HTML, CSS,前端,Vue,仪表板,数据可视化,CSS3动画, JavaScript, User Interface (UI), .. NET, avatar, Highcharts, Kendo UI, Vue Router, Vuetify, Pinia, Vite, D3.js

Front-end Developer

2022 - 2023
Callahan Learning Center
  • 使用Vue框架构建和实现前端组件, 提供注重细节和精度的结果.
  • 帮助维护和在现有企业应用程序之上添加功能.
  • 重构和优化应用程序的某些部分以提高性能.
  • 在高速的敏捷环境中工作,每天都要站立,每两周一次的冲刺.
Technologies: JavaScript, Vue, Vue 2, API集成,Storybook, Webpack, User Interface (UI), Front-end, REST APIs, Git, Vuex, SaaS, Forms, Figma, Stripe, CSS3 Animation, Dashboards, Data Visualization, Avatars, .NET

Software Engineer

2020 - 2022
Freelance Clients
  • 使用Python构建自动化工具并开发数据管道和api.
  • 维护最多五个项目的部署,并为客户发布版本.
  • 培训、指导和帮助新开发人员入职.
技术:Python 3, Python Asyncio, JavaScript, Pytest, Node.js, NPM, PIP, REST APIs, Git, Nuxt.js, Vue,表单,CSS3动画,仪表板,数据可视化,化身,测试

Front-end Developer

2021 - 2021
Freelance Clients
  • 使用Vue和next从头开始开发一个功能齐全的实时web应用游戏.js.
  • 为网站设计并实现了一个强大的管理面板和仪表板.
  • 使用Jest和Vue Test Utils测试MVP,并将项目部署到Firebase.
Technologies: JavaScript, HTML, HTML5, CSS, Nuxt.js, Axios, API Integration, User Interface (UI), Canvas, Konva, Vue 2, Jest, Vuetify, REST APIs, Git, Firebase, Vuex, HTML Canvas, Mobile First, Vue, Forms, CSS3 Animation, Dashboards, Data Visualization, Avatars, Testing, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), D3.js

Front-end Web Developer

2018 - 2020
Lambda Games
  • 使用SVG和HTML5画布为游戏创建和测试动画.
  • 完成现有网站的全面重新设计,以改善导航增强.
  • 构建响应式和移动设计,以满足特定需求, such as quick-loading sites with particular layouts.
  • 加强视觉效果和优化标记搜索引擎排名.
Technologies: HTML5 APIs, SVG, AngularJS, TypeScript, SignalR, CSS, HTML, API Integration, Bootstrap, Front-end, HTML5, Canvas, User Interface (UI), HTML5 Canvas, Chart.js, PixiJS, REST APIs, Sass, Git, HTML Canvas, Mobile First, Forms, CSS3 Animation, Dashboards, Data Visualization, Avatars, .NET, Testing, D3.js

Canvas to DOM
I created an experimental open-source Node.js包,它通过视觉推理从HTML5画布生成DOM. 它演示了如何将计算机视觉技术应用于web动画测试过程的自动化.

Volunteering App
作为一个业余项目,我开发了一个web应用程序MVP使用MERN堆栈(MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js). 该项目的主要目标是为用户提供一个平台,以简化志愿服务或接受不同类别任务形式的帮助. The application allows users to create an account, view and create tasks based on supported categories, and chat with each other.

Firewalls and HTTP and DNS Servers
As part of my computer networking course, 我独立构建了无状态和有状态防火墙, an HTTP server, and a DNS server from scratch using Python. 这些项目扩展了我的网络协议和Python编程知识,同时提供了对web技术的实际见解. 我在网络安全和服务器开发方面获得了宝贵的经验,对网络的内部工作有了更深入的了解.

Memcache FS
As my final project for the operating systems course, 我使用C语言从零开始设计并开发了一个基于分布式fuse的文件系统. 该项目涉及使用ASCII协议在Memcached服务器中存储数据,并将文件系统转换为键值对. 我为文件元数据实现了索引节点,为文件内容实现了块, while directories utilized a single block for links. I optimized random read/write operations. 这个项目通过整个系统的设计和实现,加深了我对文件系统的理解,展示了我对C语言编程的熟练程度.
2014 - 2020


Free University Tbilisi - Tbilisi, Georgia


Vue, Vue 2, REST api, Vuex, HTML5 api, Python Asyncio, Node.js, React, D3.js, SignalR, Socket.IO, HTML5 Canvas, Chart.. js, Konva, OpenCV, Puppeteer, Ts-node, Stripe, Highcharts


Git, Webpack, Terminal, Pytest, NPM, Canvas, Mongoose, Fuse, Figma


Nuxt.js, Bootstrap, Express.js, Tailwind CSS, Vuetify, AngularJS, PixiJS, Jest, .NET, Kendo UI


TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Sass, HTML5, Python 3, Python, SQL, C


MongoDB, MySQL, Memcached


Object-oriented Design (OOD), Testing


Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Linux, Docker, MacOS, Firebase, Amazon Web Services (AWS)


Front-end, API Integration, HTML Canvas, Mobile First, Forms, SVG, User Interface (UI), Storybook, SaaS, CSS3 Animation, Dashboards, Data Visualization, Avatars, Computer Architecture, Computer Vision, Open-source Software (OSS), PIP, Axios, DOM, Computer Networking, Firewalls, HTTP, DNS, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), UDP, Operating Systems, Distributed File Systems, Vue Router, Pinia, Vite, Progressive Web Applications (PWA)

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