

2016年2月1日- 10月21日, Toptal 推出了 女性开发者总奖学金, a program designed to empower 和 support the next generation of female computer scientists, 软件工程师, 并通过财政支持和指导相结合的方式帮助开发者.

今天, 我们激动地宣布奖学金的第二位获奖者, 安娜Sustic在卢布尔雅那报道, 斯洛文尼亚. Ana is a System Administrator 和 Project Manager at the Blood Transfusion Center of 斯洛文尼亚 和 a highly motivated technologist with amazing plans to build her engineering skills 和 use them to improve the workflow of her colleagues.

安娜Sustic, 来自卢布尔雅那的系统管理员和项目经理, 斯洛文尼亚, Toptal女性开发者奖学金的第二名得主是谁.

“我们有一群竞争非常激烈的申请者可供选择, but we were all incredibly impressed with the thought 和 dedication Ana put into her application,Toptal工程总监Anna-Chiara Bellini说, 谁负责组织活动并领导评审委员会. 为了她的申请,安娜做了一个 Jekyll网站在GitHub页面 for the annual WebCamp meeting in Ljubljana 和 clearly laid out ambitious plans for what she’d do if she won the scholarship.”

作为Toptal奖学金获得者, 安娜将得到5美元,000, as well as one year of weekly one-on-one mentorship with a Toptal senior developer, to support her as she works towards her goal of becoming a full stack developer.

Ana aims to become a full stack developer so that she can use her skills in her job at a 斯洛文尼亚n public blood bank.

“我在一家公共血库工作, so while software engineering approaches would have a huge impact on the workflow of our labs in a variety of ways, 用于内部培训的预算很少,安娜解释道。. “通过训练自己成为一名全栈开发人员, I’ll be able to write an application for the lab at our blood bank in order to optimize its quality control process 和 the quality of the data it collects.”

“目前这个程序完全是在纸上完成的,”安娜继续说. “I’d like to be able to build an entire web application they could run on tablets in the lab. It would include everything from collecting requirements to designing 和 building the front-end 和 Python back-end using a relational database on Linux, 运行测试用例, 验证应用程序. 它将需要一个身份验证过程, 用于检查和检查实验室试剂的界面, 和 an entire workflow that is appropriate for the needs of our lab’s st和ard operating procedures. Scalable infrastructure won’t be important here, but a highly optimized workflow definitely will be.”

为了实现这一目标,安娜将用奖学金的奖金参加 Udacity全栈Web开发人员纳米学位 课程, 和, 在她导师的帮助下, 自学使用HTML构建web应用程序, CSS, JavaScript, Python, 关系数据库.


“I found out about the scholarship in October through the Django的女孩 Ljubljana Slack group,安娜说。. Django的女孩, Toptal是它的长期赞助商, hosts an annual event in Ljubljana that attracts around 100 girls each time. “米哈Rekar, 谁是Toptal的核心团队开发人员, 给小组写了一条关于奖学金的信息, 因为我一直想重新开始编程, 我决定申请.”

Ana graduated with top grades from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Ljubljana, 之后,她获得了工商管理硕士学位. 当她在大学编程的时候, 主要使用非面向对象语言,如汇编语言, she didn’t code in the context of her job for many years following her graduation. 几年前, Ana rediscovered her interest in programming 和 began taking pleasure in seeing the tangible results of the code she wrote.

自从那次重新发现之后, she has built Drupal 和 WordPress sites for friends 和 neighbors 和 for the local PMI Chapter where she volunteers, 花时间与当地的Drupal社区交流, 完成了 Django的女孩项目. 安娜也曾与 CodeCatz, a weekly Ljubljana-based developer meetup for women that recently stopped holding meetings due to fading interest, 并通过构建一个Django应用程序来提高她的技能 跟踪猫, a mini project management tool for CodeCatz, which really accelerated her learning.

Ana explains that it has been a struggle to sustain interest in engineering for women in 斯洛文尼亚, 和 that she has yet to find a strong local community for support 和 mentorship that she enjoys.

“Most of my experience comes from taking tutorials 和 online 课程s like edX的《欧博体育app下载》, jumping into the open source community, 和 using StackOverflow,安娜说。. “It helped that I had a lot of experience in the tech industry 和 some great mentors from CodeCatz 和 WebCamp who really pushed me into open source. 我见过很多女孩不太习惯在网上寻找答案, 因为他们不知道从哪里开始, 这一切是如何结合在一起的, 或者在线技术社区是如何运作的.”


安娜出生在里耶卡, 他住在卢布尔雅那, 和 spends as much time as she can at the Kvarner Gulf of the Adriatic Sea. 她会说意大利语、斯洛文尼亚语、英语和一些德语. 她爱她的德国牧羊犬, Scura, 空闲时间和家人在一起, which includes her two daughters—13 和 16 years old—who love technology as well.

Ana’s dedication to her work 和 determination to exp和 her software engineering skills so that she can maximize her impact on the people around her is amazing, 并一直激励着Toptal的每一个人.

We are excited to work with Ana over the next year 和 support her as she works to become an experienced, 自信的全栈工程师. We have no doubt that her passion 和 drive will lead to amazing accomplishments for her in the future.

Please join us in congratulating 斯洛文尼亚n developer 安娜Sustic on becoming the second winner of the 女性开发者总奖学金 program!


女性开发者总奖学金 are a series of 12 scholarships for women that are awarded monthly over a year, 安娜是第二个奖学金获得者. Women from across the world of any education level are eligible to apply to win $5,000 和 a year of weekly one-on-one technical training 和 mentorship from a Toptal senior technologist to help them pursue their goals as future professional 软件工程师.

第一个奖学金获得者是 Rojina Bajracharya表示, an amazing Python developer, entrepreneur, 和 mentor from Bhaktapur, Nepal.

To apply to 女性开发者总奖学金 和 for more information about the program, 访问 http://nmp.hidekoquanyin.net/scholarships.


成立于2010年, Toptal is one the fastest-growing 和 most innovative companies to emerge from Silicon Valley. 得到了安德森·霍洛维茨基金的支持, 硅谷著名的风险投资公司, 亚当·德安杰洛, Quora创始人, 瑞安洛克菲勒, 以及其他投资者, Toptal today connects thous和s of elite freelance 软件工程师 和 designers from around the world to over 2,000蓝筹股,如J.P. 摩根和辉瑞, Airbnb和Zendesk等科技公司, 和 numerous startups to provide world-class solutions that meet the most complex 和 challenging requirements. Toptal’s rapid growth is testimony to exploding client dem和 和 the unmatched quality 和 reliability of the company’s services.


+1 (415) 308-8209

我们有一群极具竞争力的申请者可供选择, but we were all incredibly impressed with the thought 和 dedication Ana put into her application.

Toptal连接 排名前3% 世界各地的自由职业人才.
