Francesco Pastorelli,丹麦哥本哈根市场专家
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Francesco Pastorelli

Verified Expert  in Marketing

Marketing Expert

Copenhagen, Denmark
Toptal Member Since
April 26, 2023

弗朗西斯科是一位市场营销专家,他领导了各种产品的市场策略的开发和执行, from B2B2C marketplaces to eCommerce and D2C. 主要有丹麦创业生态系统的经验, he leverages his inbound, ABM, 以及产品营销专业知识,以推动增长并创建强大的品牌.

Work Experience

Marketing Growth Lead

2021 - 2023
Make Influence
  • Led a team of three and reported directly to the CEO. 监督整体营销、增长、品牌和定位.
  • 制定和执行市场和增长战略.
  • 通过内容营销和搜索引擎优化提升品牌知名度,并将公司定位为丹麦和瑞典的关键意见领袖.
  • 开创了跨客户战略整合影响者营销的核心方法, product roadmap, and UX architecture.
  • 从头开始实施入站营销策略, generating 15,000 website visits, 200+ leads, and 50+ free accounts per month.
  • 管理一个高度自动化的营销和销售漏斗使用数据库与15,000+ contacts, 从而使交货到机会的时间少于30天.
  • 在市场和销售部门测试和扩展增长策略, 这导致了一个获得600+新用户的推荐计划, lowered CAC, and increased product adoption.

Marketing Manager

2020 - 2021
Blue Lobster
  • 在COVID-19大流行期间,帮助公司将重点转向B2C, 确保关键的合作伙伴关系并简化入站产品采用流程.
  • 在一年内将社交媒体的追随者增加了六倍,同时为较小的B2B账户开发了高效的获取和激活策略.
  • Restructured website content and UX, improving user experience and boosting engagement, resulting in two times improved conversion rates.
  • Co-developed and codified the company brand book, 包括品牌信息和品牌故事(独特的价值主张), mission, vision, and values), tone of voice, and brand applications.
  • 在丹麦餐厅市场推出了公司,并测试了基于应用程序的MVP,以打入消费者市场.

Digital Marketing Specialist

2019 - 2019
Squarely Copenhagen
  • 测试和优化电子商务和数字营销计划, focusing on social and influencer marketing campaigns.
  • Designed website and webshop to enhance UX, SEO, and content for increased engagement and conversions.
  • 建立和调整品牌信息和独特的卖点(USP),以最大限度地影响目标受众.
  • 策划内容制作,包括网站、广告、社交媒体、时事通讯和产品图像.

Partnerships Manager

2018 - 2019
  • Developed and executed strategy for partnerships, influencer, and affiliate marketing in the DACH region, 与多达50名有影响力的人成功开展活动.
  • Led two PR events with over 500 attendees, 确保无缝执行并对品牌形象产生积极影响.
  • Produced high-quality content for various channels, including email marketing, social media ads, press releases, merchandise descriptions, and stakeholder statements.
  • 通过分析支持电子商务平台管理, reporting, and content creation on Shopify and Amazon.

Referral Program for SaaS Marketplace


利用客户的产品能力,设计并实施了零预算的MVP推荐计划, UTMs, 以及HubSpot的登陆页面和表单来推动新用户的增长. 该程序使用了客户端产品的性能跟踪功能, its engaged community of creators, 以及金钱激励来创造可衡量的口碑. 项目在丹麦启动后的头三个月, the campaign generated 150 referred users, 7,000+ clicks to the landing page, 700 leads, and 230 new users.

Today, 而该公司正在投资进一步开发程序,将其集成到产品中并使其自动化, MVP被用作六个新市场的增长策略,并取得了良好的效果. 推荐计划MVP已被用于推动这些市场的用户采用,并被证明是最有效和最高的投资回报率.

B2B to B2C Pivot During COVID-19 Pandemic


Over a three-month sprint, together with the CEO, head of sales, and product team, 我帮助建立了一个数字市场,将餐馆和食堂与低影响渔民联系起来,使他们的收入来源多样化,以应对第二次COVID-19封锁期间餐饮业收入的减少.

产品团队设计了一个解决方案,使产品能够服务于私人客户, 我制定了服务新市场所需的整个内部流程, 与最后一英里交付和分销伙伴密切战略合作, 规划用户从第一次接触到交付的过程, 在哥本哈根开发并实施了快速获取用户的解决方案. In just over three months, 我们在消费者市场推出了这款应用,仅在第一个月就弥补了B2B部分超过25%的收入损失.

Company Methodology for Influencer Marketing

开创了跨客户战略整合影响者营销的核心方法, product roadmap, and UX architecture.

作为品牌战略的一部分,我开发了一个用于网红营销的SaaS产品. 我改进了一个类似于HubSpot入站框架的整体营销方法, starting from product capabilities, brand positioning, and the company culture. The methodology, 由各种资产组成,如战略框架, playbooks, customer cases, and product tours, 是否在全公司范围内被采纳为开发新客户策略的包罗万象的工具, aligning product roadmap, and prioritizing development sprints, 以及指导整个产品UX架构.
2016 - 2018


Copenhagen Business School - Frederiksberg, Denmark

2013 - 2016

Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration

Catholic University of the Sacred Heart - Milan, Italy


Growth Marketing Certificate

Growth Tribe


Inbound Marketing Certification


Collaboration That Works

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