Astrid Tjahja, Marketing Expert in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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Astrid Tjahja

Verified Expert  in Marketing

Marketing Expert

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Toptal Member Since
August 21, 2023

Astrid是一位充满激情的问题解决者,致力于弥合客户与解决方案之间的差距. With 10+ years of experience in B2B marketing, she has worked in both agency and client-side roles, 在创建整合营销计划,推动业务增长和培养客户忠诚度方面蓬勃发展. With a knack for creative storytelling and analytical thinking, Astrid通过结合营销的艺术和科学来弥合客户解决方案的差距, delivering impactful campaigns and meaningful results.

Work Experience

Digital and Field Marketing Manager

2022 - PRESENT
  • Received the Worthy of Trust Award in 2022 and again in 2023, 以及2023年的安可奖,以表彰出色的表现和出色的工作能力.
  • 通过在wise上提交表单,增加了25%的新客户获取.com between 06/2022 and 12/2022.
  • 通过有针对性的制造营销计划,包括现场活动激活,获得244个营销合格的潜在客户, online webinars, search engine marketing (SEM), organic and paid social, and content series between 09/2022 and 12/2022.
  • Surpassed benchmark by 110% by generating 1,在23财年第二季度,在理想客户档案(ICP)中获得了600个高质量的潜在客户.
  • Achieved 93 MQLs through targeted, industry-specific marketing sequences, including personalized emails, landing pages, digital magazine, SEM, social media, video, and valuable content such as whitepapers and industry reports in Q2 FY23.

Marketing Manager

2019 - 2022
  • Built and executed multi-touch campaigns incorporating inbound, outbound, events and digital, email programs, ABM, PR, and social channels.
  • Led planning, development, and execution of content marketing, case studies, award submissions, and online events championing the customer.
  • Drove the go-to-market strategy, including audience targeting, segmentation, positioning, value propositions, key messaging, marketing channels, budgets, and lifecycle campaigns to convert, grow, and retain.
  • Tracked and reported on goals, measured performance, and identified optimization opportunities on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis.

Digital Marketing Lead, APAC

2018 - 2019
  • 与区域营销团队和销售团队紧密合作,提供支持,确保全球营销活动本地化并与目标受众相关.
  • Produced engaging written and visual content with the goal to inform, educate, 并推广快思聪工作场所技术产品的功能和优势,以达到关键的B2B决策者.
  • 制定并执行亚太区-澳新银行四个关键区域的市场进入策略, SEA, NEA, and India.
  • 推动端到端漏斗管理活动,目标是增加MQL的管道, SQL, and deal opportunities.
  • 开发和交付创新的市场营销计划,以达到并超越增长目标.

Digital Campaign Manager

2015 - 2018
Singtel Optus
  • 成功管理并持续优于Optus 3000万美元数字媒体预算的活动绩效和kpi.
  • 领导每周的报告会议和活动后的回顾,以确定关键的经验教训, improvements, and successes.
  • 通过多种数据来源,在一系列付费媒体渠道中得出有意义的趋势和见解, 为Optus的移动业务带来进一步的增长和在线销售机会, network, and business.

Digital Manager

2014 - 2015
  • Reported leads for website-related data of flagship brand
  • 在业务活动策略方面担任值得信赖的顾问, planning, execution, and optimization.
  • 管理、领导和指导一个由两名客户经理和两名广告运营专家组成的团队.

Digital Marketing Assistant

2013 - 2014
  • 编码HTML登陆页和eDM模板兼容桌面和移动界面, troubleshooting and reviewing rendering across devices and browsers.
  • 使用活动监控和公司内部软件构建和部署基于电子邮件和短信的活动.
  • Managed data, deployed emails, created automated triggered campaigns, 并与内部利益相关者和数据团队密切合作,成功实施活动.

Integrated Manufacturing Campaign


通过专门为制造业量身定制的全面数字计划,成功获得244个mql. 该计划采用了各种策略,如虚拟互动网络研讨会, search engine marketing (SEM), organic and paid social media campaigns, email marketing, and a series of content releases. The campaign, which ran from September 2022 to December 2022, also featured dedicated landing pages on a campaign website.

The main objective of the digital program was to promote Wiise ERP, an all-in-one system designed to streamline manufacturing processes. wise ERP提供了一个解决方案,通过在一个平台中包含制造的所有阶段来优化时间和成本管理. 它的功能包括库存管理、需求管理、资源计划等等.

Integrated CFO-targeted Campaign


这一针对首席财务官和财务主管的项目取得了显著成效, 生成427个唯一的虚拟展位条目并捕获275个营销合格的潜在客户(mql). 该计划主要围绕2022年11月至2022年12月期间举行的虚拟会计大会活动展开.

作为该计划的一部分,wise ERP的广泛优势得到了强调, emphasizing its ability to propel businesses forward. Wiise ERP offered a unified platform to manage multiple entities, providing real-time and comprehensive financial reporting. By utilizing Wiise ERP, 用户获得了有效规划和决策所需的基本数据. Simplifying intercompany transactions, one-time entry document processing, 无缝的采购和销售流程是wise ERP的一些关键特征. The solution also delivered accurate insights into spending, profit, and loss across each entity, bolstered by customizable reporting functionalities.

Edtech Virtual Symposium

Launched the Micro-credential Symposium, 这是一个在线活动,在澳大利亚和新西兰(ANZ)的高等教育部门共吸引了647名注册者。.

In 2020, 我成功地发起了一个名为“微证书研讨会”的在线活动, 总共有647名来自澳新银行高等教育部门的注册者.

The Symposium aimed to achieve the following objectives:
• Support connections with edtech partners and solution providers.
2010 - 2012

Dual Bachelor of Commerce Degrees in Accounting and Marketing

UNSW Sydney - Sydney, Australia



Deep Teaching Solutions


Inbound Marketing Certified

HubSpot Academy


Marketing Automation, Inbound Marketing, Email Marketing, Marketing, Landing Pages, Marketing Technology (MarTech), Digital Marketing, Content Marketing, Social Media, Blogging, Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Copywriting, Marketing Analytics, Account-based Marketing (ABM), Marketing Strategy, Content, B2C Marketing, Social Media Advertising, Campaign Monitoring

Platforms & Tools

HubSpot, HubSpot Marketing Hub, Marketo

Business Models

Business to Business (B2B), Software as a Service (SaaS)


Integrated Marketing, Integrated Campaigns, Events, Landing Page Optimization, Reporting, Data Reporting, Event Planning, Analytics, Demand Generation, Project Lifecycle, Edtech Design, Salesforce, Meta-learning, Machine Learning, Pomodoro Technique, Acquisitions, Development, Communication, Project Management, Digital Strategy, Paid Media, Web Analytics, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Client Services, Creative Design

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