Philip Bonardelli,加拿大温哥华金融专家
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Philip Bonardelli

Verified Expert  in Finance

Finance Expert

Vancouver, BC, Canada
Toptal Member Since
January 12, 2017

菲利普是一位经验丰富的财务顾问,拥有敏锐的定量和分析技能. At BellSouth Peru, 他制定了第一个使用记分卡指标的战略计划,并实施了第一个竞争性固定电话的实例. At The News Group, he set up a deal governance process, 在公司销售额翻倍至10亿美元的同时,将销售和财务组织整合在一起,提出并批准有利可图的交易.

Career Highlights

Financial Consultant
Manager of Strategic Planning
Bell South (now AT&T) - Peru and Panama

Education Highlights

Master's Degree
University of Ottawa

Certification Highlights

The CFA Institute

Case Studies

Work Experience

Treasury Advisor

2018 - PRESENT
  • Worked on a number of bond issuances. 与银团联系,分析投资者名单,监控信贷利差和收益率波动,以确保适当发行.
  • 开发和管理详细的现金管理模式,以便每月计划和监控现金流动, 与银行业绩、短期和长期计划挂钩, and used model for planning and scenario analysis.
  • 为准确的总账分录和长期债券借款策略和发行计划建立详细的债务数据库. 合并资本预测,了解资产负债匹配情况.
Focus areas: Debt, Business Planning, Debt Financing, Bonds, Valuation Modeling, Analysis, Forecasting, Financial Analysis

Financial Consultant

2016 - 2016
  • 对与技术支持学习(TEL)资本更新相关的所有利益相关者进行了调查.
  • Validated the principles of TEL capital renewal.
  • 制定了一个关键的详细的现金流量预测模型,以每年300万美元的信封为基础,了解1700万美元储备的资金是否充足.
  • 就部门运作和当前问题提供具体意见.
  • 就未来的资本更新程序提出建议.
重点领域:财务建模,筹款,财务规划 & Analysis (FP&A), Financial Analysis

Financial Consultant

2014 - 2015
Kit and Ace Design
  • 协助一家雄心勃勃的初创公司确定全球融资需求.
  • 制定了详细的三报表财务模型.
  • 与运营部门确认成本假设.
  • 将模型与详细的预算模板相吻合.
  • 更详细地验证了业主对数百万美元现金需求的假设.
关注领域:风险投资,贴现现金流(DCF),财务规划 & Analysis (FP&A), Retail & Wholesale, Financial Analysis

Economic and Financial Advisor

2010 - 2013
Bonardelli & Jacobs Sustainable Development, Inc.
  • 与卑诗省一家私营创业公司合作,致力于改善受资源开采公司影响的社区的福利.
  • 制定商业计划,寻找潜在客户.
  • 制定了一项调查和指数来量化社会经济水平.
  • 对风险投资项目进行财务评价.
  • 为秘鲁一个重要地区提供经济分析和投资建议.
Focus areas: International Development & Economics, Survey Design, Economic Analysis, Financial Modeling, Valuation, Real Estate, Financial Analysis

Senior Financial Analyst

2008 - 2010
The News Group
  • 为高级管理人员提供经济和金融建议.
  • 发展了商业密度的地理分析,并提供了产业组织的替代方法对现金流的影响.
  • 开发个人客户交易的盈利模式, assessed risks, 并向销售主管推荐定价策略.
  • 制定详细模型并指导销售部门完成年度详细销售预算流程.
  • 建立并管理一个交易治理流程,将销售和财务组织聚集在一起,提出并批准有利可图的交易.
  • 在2009年公司规模翻倍(从5亿美元增至10亿美元)的过程中,提供定价指导,确保数十笔交易(尤其是机场领域的交易)获得盈利。.
主要研究领域:经济分析、财务建模、财务规划 & Analysis (FP&A), Business Planning, Industry Analysis, Budgeting, Valuation, Profitability Analysis, Price Analysis, Valuation Modeling, Retail & Wholesale, Analysis, Financial Analysis

Manager of Strategic Planning

1997 - 2004
Bell South (now AT&T) - Peru and Panama
  • 在所有战略规划活动中为高管提供建议.
  • 创建并获得投资级商业案例进入互联网的批准, long distance, and local telephony recently opened to competition.
  • Directed evaluation of new products and services.
  • Prepared a specific line of business strategies, using a McKinsey-based methodology, to decide whether to grow, develop, 或者剥离以下业务:公共电话, Yellow Pages directory, cable TV production, paging, cable TV operation, local telephony, data transmission, internet, and long-distance telephony.
  • 制定了公司在秘鲁的第一个企业战略计划,为其1.3亿美元和大约1亿美元,300 employees, 其中包括量化计分卡跟踪和制定定价计划和绩效基准.
  • Led the project implementation team, 谁是第一个在国内引入竞争性本地电话的.
  • Coordinated a new business plan in Panama, 在为1.3亿美元启动跨部门文化变革方面发挥了重要作用, 500-employee company.
Focus areas: Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A), Budgeting, Valuation, Business Planning, Strategic Planning, Financial Modeling, Strategic Planning & 执行,估值建模,分析,财务分析
1976 - 1977


University of Ottawa - Ottawa Ontario

1973 - 1976

Bachelor of Social Sciences Degree (Hons.) in Economics, Econometrics

University of Ottawa - Ottawa Ontario



The CFA Institute


Discounted Cash Flow (DCF), Valuation, Price Analysis, DCF Valuation, Financial Modeling, Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A),三陈述模型,预算,预测,筹资,合并 & Acquisitions (M&A)、估值模型、风险投资、盈利能力分析、收益 & 费用预测,融资策略,资本预算,债务,公司财务

Output Software

Microsoft Excel

Industry Expertise

Telecommunications, Banking & Finance, Transportation & Shipping, Hospitality, Real Estate, Retail & Wholesale

Geographic Expertise

South America


Strategic Planning, DCF Modeling, Investment Decision Support, Corporate Rationalizations, Demand Studies, Microsoft 365, Discounted Cash Flow Analysis, Opportunity Assessments, Corporate Development, Econometrics, Price Sensitivity, Behavioral Economics, International Development & Economics, Financial Consultation, Consulting, Debt Financing, Investment Analysis, Analysis, Scenario Analysis, Financial Analysis, Training & 培训内容开发、教育、市场调研 & Analysis, Demand Sizing & 细分,企业标杆,战略规划 & Execution, IT Manufacturing, IT Outsourcing, Training, Bonds, Economic Analysis, Survey Design, Industry Analysis, Business Planning, Financials, Company Strategy, Growth Strategy, Scorecard Indicators, Marketing Plans, Primary Research, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), Impact Investing, Mortgages, Finance

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