卡罗尔Kraemer, 金融专家 in 旧金山,加州,美国
卡罗 is 可用 租用
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验证专家  in 金融



卡罗 advised in the sale of a global multi-billion dollar 能源 company and served as a sub-segment controller/首席财务官 for Siemens. She helps companies grow through acquisitions, fundraising, and strategic advisory. 卡罗 has built some of the most sophisticated financial models for high-tech startups as well as large corporations and infrastructure projects. Freelancing allows her to broaden her industry focus while working with very driven CEOs.




Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Thunderbird Global School of Management
Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey | ITESM




  • Worked closely with CEOs on market entry strategies, 企业模型, 演讲, 投资者甲板.
  • Performed all the aspects of strategic planning, 会计, and reporting for clients in diverse industries, 包括高科技, 软件, 能源, 和生物技术.
  • Recommended strategic solutions for budgeting, 资本要求, 合同谈判, 战略行动, 以及后台管理.
  • Built hundreds of financial models from scratch for fundraising, 项目开发, 战略管理目的.
  • Established US internal 会计 policies and procedures, set up 墨西哥 会计 and finance operations, and managed the 会计 cycle for a number of clients.
  • Served as 首席财务官 for the following clients: Edutone (EdTech), Maniak experience(近岸), 频谱桥(5G ISP), CeleritasCloud (SaaS), 马达动力(储能), 奥米尼农业贸易集团(农业科技).
关注领域:私人公司估值, 财务风险评估, 信用风险, 财务报告, 球场上甲板, 财务管理, 收入 & 费用预测, 项目融资, 事务建模, 资本结构分析, 409年估值, 估值倍数, 估值, 预算, 可比公司分析, 合并 & 收购(M&A), 筹款, 首席财务官, 策略, 金融建模, Excel建模, 风险资本, 拉丁美洲(LATAM), 墨西哥, 估值建模, 收入确认


2020 - 2021
  • Conducted investor due diligence and acquisition, resulting in a 5x uplift in value.
  • Completed 2018-2020 audit successfully, working with external auditors.
  • Built a strong finance team, empowered to make their own work product.
重点领域:会计, 操作, 金融, 审计, 财务控制, Excel建模, 风险资本, 财务规划 & 分析(FP&A), 拉丁美洲(LATAM), 墨西哥, 估值建模, 收入确认

Sub Segment Controller | 首席财务官 Latin America

2011 - 2013
  • Led and performed all aspects of financial analysis and reporting as well as credit/risk analysis.
  • Performed financial model development by business unit and product line for the division with over $2 billion in sales.
  • Approved key projects and engagements (example: long-term maintenance service programs) in order to achieve financial targets.
  • Developed and successfully executed international analyst exchange training program with over 10 analysts rotating within Latin America and headquarters in the United States and Germany.
  • Managed the 会计 and financial functions for 7 countries including Colombia, 墨西哥, 巴西, 秘鲁, 智利, 阿根廷. Consolidated the information and reported to headquarters in Germany.
重点领域:财务报告, 金融建模, 信用风险, 信用分析, 财务控制, Excel建模, 拉丁美洲(LATAM), 墨西哥, 估值建模, 收入确认


2004 - 2007
  • Directed the financial 建模 and analysis for both regional (various international, 包括中美洲和南美洲, Sub-Sahara Africa and South East Asia) and corporate operations to sustain growth and to facilitate operations funding.
  • Conducted a detailed transaction analysis (acquisitions and divestitures) to approve and submit to the executive committee and board review.
  • Examined the financial models for accuracy and regulatory/standards compliance.
  • Orchestrated the divestiture of company assets, returning over $1.50亿美元给战略投资者.
Focus areas: Corporate 金融, 事务建模, 金融建模, 合并 & 收购(M&A), 财务控制, Excel建模, 财务规划 & 分析(FP&A), 拉丁美洲(LATAM), 估值建模, 收入确认


1996 - 2002
  • Collaborated with teams from various financial disciplines, 包括大宗商品, 结构性产品, 承销, 和交易, to craft financial transactions that met credit risk, 现金流, 准备金要求.
  • Led a team of financial professionals in financial analysis, 建模, 风险评估/管理, and project due diligence for capital initiatives in the Southern Cone region.
  • Oversaw the development of complex financial models as well as analyses of 现金流s and financial performance to prepare, 之后的演讲, 能源 service pricing/tariff proposals to Bolivian government and regulatory agencies.
  • Coordinated negotiations on tariffs, budgets, and regulatory matters.
  • Directed the financial 建模 and analysis of major projects, including $300 million pipeline project spanning Bolivia and 巴西 as well as the construction of a $500 million power plant in 巴西.
  • Oversaw the credit line approval for 100+ trades and structured transactions.
  • Trained and mentored 20+ traders/structurers on credit risk exposure strategies.
重点领域:信用分析, 预算, 项目融资, 尽职调查, 估值, 估值建模, 金融建模, 信用风险, 财务控制, Excel建模, 财务规划 & 分析(FP&A)
1995 - 1996

Master of Business Administration (MBA) in International 金融 and 操作

Thunderbird Global School of Management - Glendale, AZ, USA

1989 - 1994

学士学位 in Business Administration

Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey | ITESM - Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, 墨西哥



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