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验证专家  in 金融



安德鲁执行过兼并和收购(M&A)从初创公司到财富50强的公司. 安德鲁拥有沃顿商学院工商管理硕士学位,在投资银行工作过.P. 摩根), 咨询(贝恩), 和私募股权(Lake Capital), 在那里,他带领球队完成了整个M&一个过程. 安德鲁目前专注于为企业主提供建议, helping them maximize value and achieve other goals when selling their company.


贝恩 & 公司
Lake Capital(1美元).30亿私人股本集团






  • 在Bayshore全科医生工作. The company provides financial advisory services to middle-market companies to help maximize value, 主要是为企业主出售公司提供建议. They focus on advising physicians/doctors and other medical and healthcare practices.
  • 对M有贡献&一个健康和美学团体的卖方合约.
  • 被雇来做M&一个医生执业小组的卖方合同.
关注领域:合并 & 收购(M&A)卖方&A(卖方),医疗保健服务,医疗保健


2018 - 2023
Ray Growth Partners
  • 共同领导了对一家工程设计公司的多数股权收购. 领导对一家相关建筑公司的附加收购. 担任临时首席财务官,使EBITDA利润率提高了28%.
  • 共同领导了对Evolve Security的投资, an offensive cybersecurity services firm specializing in penetration testing.
  • 共同领导对Cloudsaver, Inc .的投资., a leading cost optimization solution provider for enterprise IT organizations, 专注于云计算支出(例如.g.AWS).
关注领域:合并 & 收购(M&A)、投资基金、私募股权&A(卖方),买方,卖方


2017 - 2019
Innisfree Growth Partners, LLC
  • Founded a firm to acquire and manage a single established business and provide consulting services to help businesses accelerate growth through M&A和操作改进.
  • Advised the 首席财务官 of a $20 billion consumer packaged goods business; benchmarked client performance against competitors on key metrics—including price, 体积, 以及分配——找出需要改进的地方.
  • Developed growth strategies for two nascent businesses of Fortune 20 healthcare companies; conducted market research and analysis of emerging technologies to develop a strategy to expand offerings from fewer than 50 stores to more than 3,000家门店.
  • Created the strategy and investor materials for an inaugural $50 million private equity fund to leverage the founders' deep experience in technology transformations to create value for investors.
  • Defined the strategy for a repair company to improve its service levels and reduce costs by streamlining inventory purchasing, 优化调度和路由, 定义kpi, 并提供与kpi相一致的激励计划.
  • Identified and evaluated the acquisition of companies with EBITDA ranging from $1 to $15 million across several industries, 包括卫生保健, 基础设施建设, 商业服务.
  • Formed relationships with lenders and equity investors to secure financing for acquisition opportunities, resulting in successful capital commitments totaling more than $30 million, 跨越多个收购机会.
Focus areas: 债务增加, Operational 金融, 股权融资, 尽职调查, 合并 & 收购(M&A)卖方&(卖方)


2015 - 2017
贝恩 & 公司
  • 管理2 - 4名顾问的团队,处理基于项目的客户事务.
  • Performed due diligence of a private equity platform acquisition in the quick service restaurant industry. Evaluated the company's competitive positioning with different customer segments and franchisees and determined that the investment thesis was supported.
  • Conducted due diligence of a private equity platform acquisition candidate in the dental industry; determined growth forecasts were not achievable due to low industry growth rates, 市场饱和, 缺乏差异性.
  • Assisted a client in the spin-off of a $6 billion revenue biopharmaceutical business from a global healthcare company. Established new systems and designed the organization to allow the two companies to operate separately.
  • Developed a new strategy for a leading private equity firm ahead of the firm raising its 4th fund. The strategy capitalized on the fund's cultural strength and deep expertise in four industry verticals.
  • Led the integration of part of the procurement groups of two merging fertilizer manufacturing companies. Created an integration roadmap and identified procurement cost synergies.
  • Evaluated core business and adjacency opportunities to develop the growth strategy for a $1 billion revenue industrial client.
  • Redesigned the operating model for a high-growth pharmaceutical company. 定义组织结构, 岗位职责, 以及支持公司发展战略的决策过程.
  • Worked with the CEO and senior management team of a leading insurance provider to position the company successfully in negotiating a contract extension with its top customer.
Focus areas: 投资理论, Market Opportunity Analysis, 财务规划 & 分析(FP&A),尽职调查,合并 & 收购(M&A), 收购, 采集分析, 策略, 私人股本, 医疗保健服务, 医疗保健, 卖方


2009 - 2012
Lake Capital(1美元).30亿私人股本集团
  • 完成所有尽职调查, 法律文件, 以及为收购WBB提供融资, 政府承包公司. 通过成功的收购融资,领导贷款机构的辛迪加, 谈判投资意向书, 信贷协议.
  • 撰写投资论文, 确定估值, and completed due diligence for the platform acquisition of ORC International, 一家全球市场研究公司.
  • Co-led a sale process for the sale of IT Solutions and Commercial Sales divisions of NetStar-1, 联邦政府承包商, 导致成功的销售.
  • 共同领导了NAL Worldwide的出售过程, 领先的第三方物流供应商, 导致成功的销售.
  • Developed industry investment theses and led the firm's deal sourcing in healthcare services. 确定并执行对几个平台候选人的尽职调查.
  • Worked closely with the management teams of five portfolio companies on growth and operational improvement initiatives, 年度预算, 以及融资举措.
  • Selected as the sole associate to lead the firm's fundraising activities. 制定私募备忘录, 准备了一个数据室, 与法务团队协调,确保遵守美国证券交易委员会, 与投资人就尽职调查要求进行沟通.
  • 共同领导Lake Capital的员工招聘和培训项目.
  • Developed a financial model and investor materials for a Series B round for an online standardized test preparation business.
重点领域:杠杆收购模型, 估值建模, 估值, 债务增加, 尽职调查, 合并 & 收购(M&A), 投资理论, 收购, 采集分析, 医疗保健服务, 医疗保健, 卖方, M&(卖方)


2007 - 2009
J.P. 摩根
  • 为福特汽车公司的1美元交易提供咨询.80亿美元将沃尔沃汽车公司出售给浙江吉利. 协调迪尔伯恩的小组, 瑞典, 伦敦, and Chicago to develop marketing materials and facilitate diligence process. Developed detailed operating and valuation models to evaluate competing bids and determine debt capacity.
  • Performed a comprehensive valuation analysis—utilizing leveraged buyout, 贴现现金流, 可比公司, precedent transaction and sum-of-parts methodologies for companies in the automotive, 纸, 包装, 建筑产品行业.
  • 为客户准备各种战略方案的演示文稿, 包括收购, 公共和私人市场融资选择, 杠杆收购, 以及首次公开募股.
重点领域:估值分析, 估值建模, 估值倍数, 估值, 债务重组, 债务增加, 股权融资, 合并 & 收购(M&A)卖方&(卖方)
2012 - 2014

工商管理硕士学位 in Health Care Management


2003 - 2007





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