Saurabh Mathur,德国柏林设计师
Saurabh is available for hire
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Saurabh Mathur

Verified Expert  in Design


Berlin, Germany
March 6, 2017

Saurabh is a UX/UI designer with over 14 years of experience—designing for platform-specific iOS and Android apps and the responsive web. He excels at helping with product strategy, micro-copy, and motion prototyping (Principle, Framer). He's also worked with multiplatform scrum teams using the agile approach. In his career, Saurabh's worked at SlideShare (LinkedIn) and Babbel and co-founded two startups in the B2C/B2B space.


Work Experience


2018 - 2019
  • 在Yunar担任设计主管, 德意志银行的一家公司, 打造金融科技领域增长最快的忠诚度应用.
  • Managed and mentored a design team in an organization with more than 120 employees in Berlin, Germany.
  • Managed the tools, processes, and collaboration frameworks with product and engineering.
  • 在全栈团队中雇佣和指导嵌入式设计师.
  • Built and maintained a comprehensive atomic design component system.
  • Collaborated and communicated with branding to deliver a unified design experience across all user touch-points.
  • Set up and facilitated design sprints and workshops to tackle product challenges from a design perspective.
  • Oversaw the delivery schedules and growth roadmap for the overall design framework at Yunar.
技术:用户研究, User Testing, Abstracts, Sketch, Figma, Design Sprints, Scrum, Agile, Communication, Branding, UX Design, UX Research, 设计领导, UX Strategy


2018 - 2019
  • Designed a peer-to-peer consumer marketplace native iOS app for campus students (Piloted at Stanford University).
  • 彻底修改了应用程序的关键用户流程和旅程, helped create a brand identity and an extensive Atomic design component system for the mobile apps in Figma.
  • Responsible for product inputs, micro-copy and UI and UX design (wireframes) for the app.
  • Conceptualized and designed engagement and retention patterns in the app via vanity metrics and leaderboards aimed at a younger audience.
  • 根据苹果HIG指南和客户端的CI构建iOS应用程序.
Technologies: iOS, Figma, Sketch, UI Design, 移动应用设计, UX Design, UX Research, UX Strategy


2018 - 2019
  • Designed and managed product for native Android app for a B2B delivery fleet management platform for retailers.
  • Designed and implemented a brand styleguide based on the client's market positioning and competitive landscape.
  • Conducted UX research on involved stakeholders for a deep dive into how the use-case was being served currently, 来验证所做的用户体验选择.
  • Created a Material Design-based mobile app UI and interaction design.
  • 设计了一个原子设计组件库.
  • Managed the team (a Toptal managed project) as a product manager and collaborated with client and engineering.
技术:Figma, Sketch, Material Design, Android, 移动应用设计, UI Design, Branding, UX Research, UX Design, UX Strategy

UX Lead

2017 - 2018
  • 领导DeliveryHero (Pizza)的用户体验设计和研究.de), 柏林最大的食品科技公司, Germany on a project to streamline and unify the core back-office B2B apps for order and restaurant management.
  • Audited the UX and created the design and information architecture.
  • Conducted stakeholder interviews and mapped the customer journey all the way to the interaction design.
  • 创建概念线框图, 设计体系, and high-fidelity UI design for the web apps on a massive ecosystem of 17 legacy web apps; this ecosystem was used by a large group of customer care agents and leaders spread across five functional teams.
技术:Figma, Sketch, UX Design, User Interviews, UX Research, UX Strategy


2015 - 2016
  • 曾担任Android多平台设计师, iOS, and the web for Babbel—the world's leading language learning platform.
  • 为移动设备和网页制作UX设计和线框图.
  • Created static (Principle/InVision) and interactive (Framer) motion prototyping.
  • 为iOS和响应式网页精心设计.
  • 负责微拷贝和调性.
  • Integrated material design principles for the native Android app design.
  • 创建会话UI/聊天机器人的设计.
  • 在Google Design sprint和Agile方法论中工作过.
技术:Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, UXPin, Pixate Studio, Principle, Zeplin, InVision, Sketch, UX Strategy

设计主管|联合创始人| CEO

2014 - 2015
  • Created the user interface and experience design as a co-founder of a B2B SaaS startup.
  • 为敏捷团队制作了路线图协作和反馈工具.
  • Handled the motion prototyping for the web and mobile interactions.
  • 开发前端开发以发布MVP.
  • 负责微拷贝和调性.
  • 设计品牌和选择字体.
  • 进行用户调研,设计产品路线图.
  • 从事社交媒体设计和演讲平台设计.
技术:Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, InVision, Zeplin, Sketch

联合创始人| CEO | UI/UX设计师

2012 - 2014
  • Conceptualized and crafted the product strategy for an extensive B2C technology startup in the automotive space concerning a data-driven, 个性化新车推荐引擎.
  • Worked on the branding, typography, and art-direction for Motorpaneer.
  • 进行用户研究.
  • 制作线框图并领导视觉设计.
  • Led the creative direction for the social media design and content.
  • 处理微拷贝和调性.
技术:Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Sketch


2011 - 2012
  • Led the UI/UX design and development for the web and mobile-based microsites and advergames for FMCG brands like Pepsi, Yahoo, Airtel, Hewlett Packard, Samsung, and Intel.
  • 为广告游戏和微型网站创建Flash动画.
  • 使用ActionScript 3开发.
  • 处理微拷贝和调性.
  • 领导插图的美术指导.
技术:Adobe Flash, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Flash Animation

UI设计师| Flash工程师

2008 - 2011
  • Worked on the user interface design and development (using Flash and ActionScript 3) for SlideShare (now acquired by LinkedIn)—the world's largest presentation sharing platform.
  • 设计和开发Slideshare的内容查看器, video player, 以及每天被数百万活跃用户使用的可嵌入小部件.
  • Designed the user interface for web-based slide viewers, video player, and embeddable widgets.
  • 使用ActionScript 3开发.
  • 处理微拷贝和调性.
  • 实施分析(Google和其他第三方).
技术:Adobe Flash, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop


2008 - 2008
  • Designed (UI/UX) and developed (Flash and ActionScript 3) campaign microsites and advergames for new media brands like Microsoft, John Players, 和ACK传媒(印度).
  • 为微型网站和广告游戏设计用户界面.
  • 使用ActionScript 3开发.
  • 从事Flash动画和运动原型制作.
  • 处理微拷贝和调性.
  • 领导插图和品牌的艺术指导.
Technologies: Adobe Flash, ActionScript 3, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Flash Animation


2006 - 2008
  • Designed (UI/UX) and developed (Flash/ActionScript 3) based advergames for FMCG and retail brands such as Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Lay's, Mirinda, Citibank, and others.
  • 为微型网站和广告游戏设计用户界面.
  • 设计Flash动画和运动原型.
  • 使用ActionScript 3开发.
  • 处理微拷贝和调性.
  • 领导品牌和插图的艺术方向.
Technologies: Flash, ActionScript 3, Adobe Photoshop, Flash Animation


Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash, UXPin, 筹划者的原型, Sketch, Zeplin, InVision, Principle, Figma, 微软演示文稿, Adobe Illustrator, Flash, Pixate Studio, Illustrator CC


慈善,ActionScript 3, CSS, HTML5


移动,iOS, Web, Android, OS X




Product Design, UI Design, Branding, 移动应用设计, Communication, Design Sprints, User Testing, User Research, Responsive UI, Responsive, 响应式网页设计(RWD), Web App Design, Web Design, Mobile Design, B2B2C, B2B, Apps, Web UX, Android UI设计, Android应用设计, iOS设计趋势, iOS UI Design, Android设计指南, Web App UI, Typography, UI Animation, iOS App Design, iOS UX Design, Mobile UI, Mobile UX, Social Design, App Design, App UI, B2C, 客户研究, Landing Pages, 登陆页面设计, 双边市场, Android材质设计, Mobile App UI, Android Screens, 交互设计(IxD), Fintech, Donations, Marketplaces, MVP Design, 最小可行产品(MVP), 快速原型, User Personas, User Stories, Visual Design, 信息架构(IA), 响应式Web应用, Web UI Design, Web UX Design, Dashboard Design, Dashboards, Startups, SaaS, Enterprise SaaS, 信息设计, Web App UX, 用户体验(UX), Web UI, User Flows, Microcopy, Wireframing, User Journeys, Google素材设计, 用户界面(UI), UX Research, UX Design, 市场设计, Design Systems, Atomic Design, Material Design, 苹果人机界面, 演示设计, 演示文稿设计, 市场的设计师, ppt演示设计师, 企业对企业对消费者(B2B2C), UX Strategy, Agile, Scrum, Brand Identity, Motion Graphics, 设计领导, User Interviews, Abstracts, Game Design, 非政府组织(NGOs), Mobility, Scooters, Flash Animation



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