Olayanju Idris, Designer in Lagos, Nigeria
Olayanju is available for hire
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Olayanju Idris

Verified Expert  in Design


Lagos, Nigeria
Toptal Member Since
February 9, 2022

Olayanju is a product designer with five years of experience, owning UX processes and making product strategy and design decisions. He has built 100+ apps and websites with over 60% retention rates, 20% increases in user satisfaction, and 89% increases in client satisfaction scores, representing $50+ million in combined revenue. Olayanju利用他的技能和经验来设计以用户为中心的产品,从而提高盈利和用户留存率.


Work Experience

Head of Design and Strategy

2022 - PRESENT
Vesicash Financial Technology
  • Designed and built the Vesicash escrow system, 使B2B企业的成功交易增加了30%,支付纠纷减少了20%.
  • 开发了一个产品需求文档,作为Vesicash后端管理办公室和用户端的设计和工程指南, resulting in a 70% reduction in product building time.
  • 与Vesicash测试团队密切合作,改善产品用户体验,并向工程团队报告bug. This resulted in a more reliable and user-friendly product, increased customer satisfaction and retention, and business growth.
  • 与Vesicash设计团队合作建立了一个成功的营销登陆页,实现了超过70%的转化率和超过10,000 unique visits, driving traffic and customer engagement.
  • 与Vesicash工程和产品团队合作,为Naira设计和构建强大的钱包结构系统, dollar, and pound currencies, which successfully processed over 500,000 in total transactions in the first month.
  • 与设计和工程团队密切合作,从无到有构建了Vesicash设计系统到基于组件的系统,这有助于提高设计速度, iteration, and development by 80%.
  • 策划和促进与Vesicash联合创始人和商业客户的战略会议, 通过增加反馈和有针对性的开发工作,产品可用性提高了60%.
Technologies: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Figma, B2B, App Design, Branding, Annotated Wireframes, Crypto, Cryptocurrency, B2C, UI Design, Web UX, Product Design, Management, Product Management, UX Wireframes, Rapid Sketching, Illustration

Product Design Lead

2021 - PRESENT
  • 为Moneymie设计了一个面向B2B和B2C客户的端到端web应用和跨平台移动应用, 这是一家金融科技初创公司,旨在帮助移民向他们在非洲的亲人汇款.
  • 为Bonafide设计了一个端到端的网页应用和一个跨平台移动应用, 这是一家使用区块链技术的加密和金融科技初创公司,旨在帮助非洲人通过加密汇款回家,并在非洲支付当地货币.
  • Improved the user retention rate in the onboarding flow by 80%.
  • 创建了Moneymie设计系统,将设计和开发时间缩短了50%.
  • 领导设计、产品和用户体验决策,改善客户使用应用程序的方式.
  • 用户对我们的交换和发送流特性的满意度提高了40%.
  • Collaborated with development, engineering, 业务团队设计工作流程,改进我们如何设计和将产品交付到实际环境中.
  • Completed tasks at an average of 20% before the deadlines.
Technologies: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Figma, UI Design, Web Design, Mobile App Design, Mobile UI Design, Iconography, Information Architecture (IA), Visual Design, Dashboard Design, UX Design, User Flows, Product Design, UX Strategy, Hand-drawn Illustrations, Annotated Wireframes, Web Project Management, Branding, Presentation Design, Prototyping, Web App UI, Web App UX, iOS, Android, Web App Design, User Retention, User Onboarding, Design Systems, User Experience (UX), Responsive Web Apps, User Research, User Interface (UI), Wireframing, Fintech, B2B, Websites, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Web Page Mockups, Illustration, Crypto, User Stories, User Interviews, High-fidelity Prototypes, Low-fidelity Mockups, High-fidelity Mockups, Low-fidelity Prototypes, Rapid Prototyping, MVP Design, Dashboards, Mobile App UI, Mobile Apps, Design Sprints, Mobile Design, Digital Product Design, User Journeys, Tablet Design, Mobile UX Design, Mobile UX, HTML, CSS, Pitch Decks, PowerPoint Design, App Design, Blockchain, Desktop Web Design, User Testing, Product Strategy, Responsive Design, Presentations, B2C, Style Guides, Financial Software

Product Designer

2020 - 2022
  • Designed a web app for Jotmill, a SaaS startup launched to help businesses, interviewers and interviewees create, edit, answer, collaborate, publish and export diverse types of interviews in one place.
  • 为WattPricer设计了一个登陆页面,并与Umso一起构建了登陆页面, an electricity pricing API database, compiling and formatting price, regulatory, and fuel mix data from over 1000+ utilities into a usable API.
  • 为Feel Free PT设计了一个登陆页面,并使用Squarespace构建了登陆页面, 一家医疗保健初创公司,帮助提供基于证据的研究和治疗,以提高患者的治疗效果.
  • Designed and built the landing page with Umso for PCRopsis, 这是一家医疗保健初创公司,通过“我们独特的直接PCR方法”帮助公司节省了50%以上的核酸提取费用."
  • Led the design strategy and process for 100+ websites and apps.
  • Slashed the time required to build customer-facing websites by 40%, using no-code tools like Umso and Squarespace.
  • Achieved a 95% client feedback success rate on jobs I delivered.
  • Achieved 40% increase in user retention rate for website built.
  • 协助10多家YCombinator公司设计宣传平台和网站,这些公司在几轮融资中筹集了3000多万美元.
  • 与开发和工程团队合作,改进设计工作流程.
Technologies: Adobe Illustrator, Figma, Umso, Squarespace, Adobe Photoshop, UI Design, Web Design, Mobile App Design, Mobile UI Design, Iconography, Information Architecture (IA), Visual Design, Dashboard Design, UX Design, User Flows, Product Design, UX Strategy, Hand-drawn Illustrations, Annotated Wireframes, Web Project Management, Branding, Presentation Design, Prototyping, Web App UI, Web App UX, iOS, Android, Web App Design, User Experience (UX), Responsive Web Apps, User Research, Design Systems, User Interface (UI), Wireframing, Fintech, B2B, Websites, SaaS, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Web Page Mockups, Illustration, Crypto, User Stories, User Interviews, High-fidelity Prototypes, Low-fidelity Mockups, High-fidelity Mockups, Low-fidelity Prototypes, Rapid Prototyping, MVP Design, Dashboards, Mobile App UI, Mobile Apps, Design Sprints, Mobile Design, Digital Product Design, User Journeys, Software as a Service (SaaS), Mobile UX Design, Mobile UX, HTML, CSS, Pitch Decks, PowerPoint Design, App Design, Desktop Web Design, User Testing, Product Strategy, Responsive Design, Presentations, B2C, Style Guides, Financial Software

Product Design Lead

2019 - 2021
  • 为Ayrem设计了一个端到端的网页应用和一个跨平台移动应用, 这是一家加密和金融科技初创公司,利用区块链技术帮助非洲人购买和销售加密货币, giftcards, and data plans.
  • Designed a web and mobile app for Vite, 这是一家初创公司,旨在帮助客户发送包裹,并在一个应用程序中连接物流公司和骑手.
  • Owned strategy, design, and product decisions from scratch to launch.
  • Designed and built a customer-facing web app that generated $400,000 in transaction volume in the first six months of launch.
  • 开发了一款无漏洞的Android和iOS应用,用户满意度达到80%.
  • Received a 95% client satisfaction rate from the team.
  • 创建了Ayrem设计系统,将我们的设计和开发时间缩短了50%.
Technologies: Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, UI Design, Web Design, Mobile App Design, Mobile UI Design, Iconography, Information Architecture (IA), Visual Design, Dashboard Design, UX Design, User Flows, Product Design, UX Strategy, Hand-drawn Illustrations, Annotated Wireframes, Web Project Management, Branding, Presentation Design, Prototyping, Web App UI, Web App UX, iOS, Android, Web App Design, Design Systems, User Experience (UX), Responsive Web Apps, User Research, User Onboarding, User Interface (UI), Cryptocurrency Exchanges, Wireframing, Fintech, Websites, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Web Page Mockups, Illustration, Crypto, User Stories, User Interviews, High-fidelity Prototypes, Low-fidelity Mockups, High-fidelity Mockups, Low-fidelity Prototypes, Rapid Prototyping, MVP Design, Dashboards, Mobile App UI, Mobile Apps, Design Sprints, Mobile Design, Digital Product Design, User Journeys, Mobile UX Design, Mobile UX, HTML, Logo Design, App Design, Blockchain, Desktop Web Design, User Testing, Product Strategy, Responsive Design, Presentations, B2C, Style Guides, Financial Software

Product Designer

2020 - 2020
Dunkins HQ
  • Designed a new website template for the Dunkins HQ team.
  • 与Dunkins总部团队合作,使用高质量的模板, which led to a 40% increase in user sales.
  • 客户对我交付的工作有95%的积极反馈.
Technologies: Figma, Adobe Illustrator, UI Design, Web Design, Mobile App Design, Iconography, Information Architecture (IA), Visual Design, Dashboard Design, UX Design, User Flows, Product Design, UX Strategy, Hand-drawn Illustrations, Annotated Wireframes, Web Project Management, Presentation Design, Prototyping, Web App UI, Web App UX, iOS, Web App Design, User Experience (UX), Responsive Web Apps, User Research, User Onboarding, User Interface (UI), Wireframing, Fintech, Websites, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Web Page Mockups, User Stories, User Interviews, High-fidelity Prototypes, Low-fidelity Mockups, High-fidelity Mockups, Low-fidelity Prototypes, Rapid Prototyping, MVP Design, Design Sprints, Digital Product Design, CSS, App Design, Product Strategy, Responsive Design, Android, Design Systems, Dashboards, Presentations, B2C, Style Guides

Brand and UI/UX Designer

2019 - 2020
  • 提供品牌和UI/UX设计,使用户销售额增加30%,在线呈现率增加40%.
  • 平均提前10%完成20+个品牌设计项目.
  • 以90%的客户满意度评分完成项目需求.
Technologies: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, UI Design, Figma, Web Design, Mobile App Design, Mobile UI Design, Iconography, Information Architecture (IA), Visual Design, Dashboard Design, UX Design, User Flows, Product Design, UX Strategy, Annotated Wireframes, Web Project Management, Branding, Presentation Design, Prototyping, Web App UI, Web App UX, iOS, Web App Design, User Experience (UX), Responsive Web Apps, User Research, User Interface (UI), Wireframing, B2B, Websites, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Web Page Mockups, User Stories, User Interviews, High-fidelity Prototypes, Low-fidelity Mockups, High-fidelity Mockups, Low-fidelity Prototypes, Rapid Prototyping, MVP Design, Mobile App UI, Design Sprints, User Journeys, Mobile UX Design, Logo Design, App Design, Product Strategy, Responsive Design, Android, Design Systems, Fintech, Dashboards, Presentations, B2C, Style Guides

UI/UX Designer

2018 - 2019
Lofty Inc and Allied Partners
  • Designed a web app from end to end for Pronov, 这是一家初创公司,旨在解决尼日利亚医疗设备和医药产品供应链网络中的问题.
  • 收集普罗诺夫现场代理商的反馈,并利用这些反馈将普罗诺夫Android应用的客户使用率提高了30%.
  • 创建线框图,草图和流程,以改善普罗诺夫应用程序的核心功能.
Technologies: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Figma, UI Design, Web Design, Mobile App Design, Mobile UI Design, Iconography, Information Architecture (IA), Visual Design, Dashboard Design, UX Design, User Flows, Product Design, UX Strategy, Annotated Wireframes, Web Project Management, Presentation Design, Prototyping, Web App UI, Web App UX, iOS, Web App Design, User Experience (UX), Responsive Web Apps, User Research, User Interface (UI), Wireframing, Fintech, Websites, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Web Page Mockups, User Stories, User Interviews, High-fidelity Prototypes, Low-fidelity Mockups, High-fidelity Mockups, Low-fidelity Prototypes, Rapid Prototyping, MVP Design, Mobile App UI, Mobile Apps, Design Sprints, Mobile Design, Digital Product Design, User Journeys, Mobile UX Design, App Design, Product Strategy, Responsive Design, Android, Design Systems, Dashboards, Presentations, B2C, Style Guides
2012 - 2018

Bachelor of Technology Degree in Pure and Applied Physics

拉多克阿金托拉科技大学(LAUTECH) - Ogbomosho, Oyo州,尼日利亚


Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator


iOS, Android




Web Design, Mobile UI Design, Iconography, Responsive Design, Information Architecture (IA), Visual Design, Dashboard Design, User Flows, Product Design, UI Design, Annotated Wireframes, User Interviews, User Stories, Web Project Management, Branding, Presentation Design, Prototyping, Web App UI, Web App UX, Web App Design, Responsive Web Apps, User Experience (UX), User Research, User Interface (UI), Crypto, Fintech, Wireframing, Cryptocurrency Exchanges, B2B, Websites, SaaS, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Web Page Mockups, Low-fidelity Mockups, High-fidelity Mockups, Low-fidelity Prototypes, High-fidelity Prototypes, Rapid Prototyping, MVP Design, Mobile Design, Mobile App UI, Mobile Apps, Design Sprints, Digital Product Design, User Journeys, Tablet Design, Mobile UX Design, Mobile UX, Pitch Decks, PowerPoint Design, App Design, Landing Pages, Landing Page Design, Blockchain, Desktop Web Design, Legal Technology (Legaltech), Product Strategy, B2C, Style Guides, Financial Software, UX Research, Mobile App Design, UX Design, User Retention, User Onboarding, Design Systems, Illustration, Software as a Service (SaaS), User Testing, Squarespace, UX Strategy, Umso, Hand-drawn Illustrations, Physics, Data-informed Visual Design, Dashboards, Data Visualization, Infographics, Logo Design, Cryptocurrency, Cryptocurrency Wallets, Mobile UI, Presentations, DataViz, Data, Web UX, Management, Product Management, UX Wireframes, Rapid Sketching

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