Marco is 可用 租用
Hire Marco


验证专家  in Design



Marco creates positive changes via human-centered innovation. 全面发展的设计师, he's honed his skills at international consultancies (Fjord and IDEO), 精品数码产品代理公司(半藏), 数据驱动型创业公司(SumAll), 以及他自己的社会公益项目, Streetlives. He specializes in designing products and service that drive organizational, business, 以及社会影响. His work has been recognized by IxDA, EYA, and Adobe.




  • 共同Streetlives, an organization driving systemic change toward an equitable and inclusive model for social services.
  • Focused on the vision, strategy, design research, product, and culture.
  • Grew this bootstrap pro-bono organization from two to five people.
  • Launched a community-led product that enables users to learn digital and mediation skills.
  • Spearheaded a human-centered product development practice championing such an approach in technology, data, 和设计.
  • 在Interaction18上展示了Streetlives, the most important annual interaction design conference, 2018年在里昂. Streetlives was selected as a semi-finalist for the Interaction Design Awards in 2017.
技术:体式, Trello, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Webflow, HTML, CSS, Pen & 纸,草图,视觉,Figma


2018 - 2019
IED |欧洲设计学院
  • Worked at IED which was founded in 1966 in Milan as a design school. Today IED is an international design education network that spans across 11 cities in Italy, Spain, 和巴西.
  • Established a more open, collaborative, and innovative corporate culture.
  • Redesigned the internal communication flows with the launch of a pilot which resulted in the creation of several transnational and cross-disciplinary projects.
  • Achieved an ROI of 220% in three years from streamlined internal communication alone.
Technologies: Figma, InVision, Sketch, Adobe InDesign, 谷歌的幻灯片, Asana, Trello


2017 - 2018
  • 在半藏工作过, a boutique digital product design and development studio with a strong focus on shipping excellent products. 2009年在马德里成立, it’s currently a distributed organization with a physical presence in Madrid, 巴塞罗那, 和伦敦.
  • Shipped—through lean and agile methodologies—a B2B financial services product that reduced complexity and streamlined deal offering processes and a revolutionary B2C healthcare service for the Spanish market.
  • 关注人才成长, seeding, 培养, and establishing supportive feedback practices in project teams and at a studio level, 从而形成一种加强合作的文化, 更高品质的创意解决方案.
技术:Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe套件, 谷歌的幻灯片, 谷歌表, 谷歌文档, G Suite, Trello, Asana, InVision, 原则, Sketch, Figma


2015 - 2016
  • Worked at IDEO, a global design company that creates a positive impact through design.
  • 锻炼了我的设计思维能力.
  • Brought an interaction design lens to insight discovery and visualization, 结合故事和数据的力量.
  • Contributed to the design and launch of strategic interventions, 数码产品, and end-to-end experiences that were focused on customer-centered innovation and organizational change.
  • Improved internal processes that resulted in a more inclusive digital practice and a stronger portfolio due to studio-wide digital inspiration activities.
  • Achieved higher employee engagement by facilitating difficult conversations through mindful rituals and human-centered technology.
  • Increased resources and optimized the project pipeline due to a human-centered business and people intelligence product.
技术:Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe套件, 谷歌的幻灯片, 谷歌表, 谷歌文档, G Suite, 处理, Arduino, CSS, HTML, InVision, 原则, Sketch, Figma


2014 - 2015
  • 曾在SumAll工作, its mission is to democratize data: enabling SMEs to have access to data to improve their business and tools that can help them act upon it.
  • Honed my skills in Agile and lean design and product development.
  • Redesigned SumAll’s entire iOS experience which resulted in a 100%+ yearly user acquisition on mobile.
  • 优化注册期间的获取功能, 新员工培训, and the initial experience which resulted in a significant acquisition uptake of SumAll’s web platform concurrent with a reduction of 新员工培训 customer support tickets.
  • Spearheaded customer research efforts (quality and quantitative) that translated into a pivot from a generic “premium” package to the revenue-generating products, 小洞察和小报告.
  • Pioneered and spread a customer-driven product development mindset and practice across the team.
技术:Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe套件, 谷歌的幻灯片, 谷歌表, 谷歌文档, G Suite, Jira, Trello, CSS, HTML, InVision, Sketch, Figma


2013 - 2014
  • 在峡湾工作, an international design and innovation consultancy that focused on designing services and 数码产品. Founded in 2011 in London, Fjord was acquired by Accenture in May 2013.
  • 参与数字化转型项目, focusing on UX and interaction design for products and services. 职责包括用户研究, 设计策略, 车间便利化, 概念化, 线框图和原型设计, 以及项目和客户管理.
  • Collaborated with Fjord Madrid’s managing director on explorative design fictions for emerging technologies, 通过设计促进辩论.
  • Designed for the following clients include Telefónica, BBVA, Fon, KPN, and the European Union.
技术:Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, 烟花, Adobe套件, Proto.io, vision, Flinto, 原则, Sketch


2011 - 2012
  • 练习, improved, and expanded my design skills on projects that spanned across a broad spectrum involving multiple platforms and recreational content to interactive installations.
  • Worked on little and big-picture UX and UI details and made crucial contributions in generating strategies for businesses in a service-design context. These clients include BBVA, Telefónica, and Movistar.
技术:Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, 烟花, Adobe套件, 谷歌的幻灯片, 谷歌表, 谷歌文档, G Suite, InVision, Flinto, Sketch
2007 - 2011



2004 - 2007




Sketch, Figma, InVision, Trello, Asana, 谷歌的幻灯片, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, 原则, 谷歌文档, 谷歌表, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, G Suite, Jira, Flinto, 烟花, 素描4, Proto.io






MacOS, Webflow, Adobe套件, Arduino, Mobile, iOS


用户体验研究, 产品设计, 用户界面设计, MVP的设计, 信息架构(IA), 设计策略, 用户体验策略, 设计思考, 系统思考, 服务设计, iOS应用设计, 到产品的线框图, 概念设计, 设计冲刺, 设计研究, 仪表盘的设计, 数据可视化, Lean UX, Fintech, 公众演讲, Pen & Paper, 系统性的改变, 用户体验设计, WebApp, 定性研究, 民族志, 敏捷产品管理, 产品策略, 敏捷用户体验, 合作设计, B2B2C, 数据输入, 数据验证, 以人为本的设计, 移动网络, 精益产品开发, 用户研究, Small & 中型企业(SME), 数据分析, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 手机用户获取, 策略, 用户旅程地图, 数字生态系统制图, 交互设计(IxD), 调查设计, 组织设计, 移动用户体验, 社区, 内部沟通, 快速交互原型, 用户验证, 平板电脑设计, Omnichannel营销, 视频点播(VOD), 可穿戴技术, 穿戴, 物理计算, 物联网(IoT), 机器对机器(M2M), 原型设计, 企业对企业对消费者(B2B2C)



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